search results

search results news search results

Developer news items we found relating to search results

35 results

AI relationship search terms the US queries the most

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 by

It’s been described as “Her” in real life. The Spike Jonze-directed science fiction film follows the lead character as he embarks on a relationship with an operating system. Now, 11 years after the film’s release, that very reality is here. AI relationship chatbots have swept into the world’s eye at great speed, offering as little as some o...


Apple to allow third-party app stores in Japan

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 by

The Japanese parliament has passed the Act on Promotion of Competition for Specified Smartphone Software, a law that compels Apple to allow access to third-party app stores and payment providers on devices that run iOS. The legislation, which was passed by Japan's upper house and will be enforced following Cabinet approval within the next eighteen months, seeks to c...


AI that can understand developer code

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 by

Bito has launched AI that can understand a developer’s code. The new super-personalized functionality helps developers write, refactor, and explain their code. It also helps them with debugging and generating test cases. AI, like ChatGPT, only provides generic answers or answers based on limited information that the user provides. Bito’s AI acts like a pe...


What is an NFT and What is blockchain technology search research

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 by

A new study has revealed the most Googled cryptocurrency subjects nationwide and in each state. The research conducted by Marketplace Fairness analyzed search volumes of more than 250 of the most frequently asked crypto questions on Google, to establish the queries that the country is looking to understand. Simple searches for “What is cryptocurrency?”...


Hacking phones worry us the most

Thursday, July 14, 2022 by

Search results for 'smart appliances' have increased by 300% as people are becoming reliant on devices that promise to make their life easier. Alarmingly, a recent report by Which revealed that a home with smart gadgets could be vulnerable to 12,000 hacking attacks in a single week. Intrigued by this, BespokeSoftwareSolutions utilized the online analy...


The App Marketers New Year Resolution for 2022

Friday, February 25, 2022 by

Reaching the biggest possible relevant audience is the goal of every user acquisition (UA) team, but if scaling mobile growth was easy, every good app would be a blockbuster hit. With 1.85 million mobile apps available on the market, the competition is fierce for user attention. The average user has about 40 apps installed on their phone but spends 89% of their screen t...


Lawsuit from US developers sways Apple

Friday, August 27, 2021 by

Apple has announced a number of changes coming to the App Store that, pending court approval, will resolve a class-action suit from US developers. The terms of the agreement will help make the App Store an even better business opportunity for developers while maintaining the safe and trusted marketplace users love. Apple appreciates the developer feedback and ideas that...


App Store Optimization for 2021

Wednesday, September 23, 2020 by

So much has changed in 2020, from the way we work to new advancements in mobile technology. App Store Optimization (ASO) has also changed, as the app ecosystem grows and developers continue to compete for downloads. As we’re more than halfway through 2020, it’s important to look to the future and see how ASO will continue to change heading into 2021. New ...


Who still clicks on ads anyway

Monday, January 21, 2019 by

New data from Clutch says that seventy-seven percent (77%) of people recognize paid search ads easily compared to what organic search results look like - and it's causing a shift in the way advertisers approach consumers. People use search engines to find answers to questions and often click paid search ads that respond to their search queries. One-third ...


ArangoDB NoSQL database platform updates to 3.4

Thursday, December 6, 2018 by

ArangoDB announced the GA release of ArangoDB 3.4 - a transactional database solution which enables developers to efficiently interact with multiple data models by using just one technology and one query language. Major new enhancements in ArangoDB 3.4 include ArangoSearch, a feature which transforms ArangoDB, when combined with traversals or joins in AQL, from a data r...


The power of predictive marketing

Monday, November 19, 2018 by

Most digital marketers are well aware of the power of segmentation, and many marketing tools today offer the ability to group users into different buckets. While this has allowed us to more precisely target audiences, there is now emerging a new offshoot of segmentation technology that is going to deliver on the promise of this approach to an infinitely greater extent. ...


DuckDuckGo vs. Google vs. Privacy

Friday, October 19, 2018 by

Online privacy is becoming harder to find - Facebook gathers users’ data to sell to third parties, Google tracks everyone’s searches, ISPs in many countries gather communication data, and governments are increasingly demanding backdoor access to encrypted devices. In the latest news, Google exposed the data of 500,000 Google+ users and didn’t...


Progressive web apps vs native apps: Showdown in 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018 by

Apps have become an integral part of any brand's digital marketing efforts. You'd be hard-pressed to find a company that hasn't, at the very least, thought about developing an app. It would be even more difficult to find a company willing to deny the tremendous impact that an app can have on a brand's engagement and customer experience.   Given th...


How Google is sharing a bigger piece of the subscription pie

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 by

In the past, some publishers expressed unease around the dynamics of their relationship with Google. Those publishers were concerned that in their partnership, Google’s dominant position meant that publishers were unfairly losing out on valuable ad revenue. But those attitudes might change soon: Google has announced new plans to launch a subscription partnership with pu...


Endpoint Systems is utilizing the new Google Jobs API

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 by

Endpoint Systems, a systems integrator and developer of service and API software solutions, has announced it will offer services to help companies migrate and integrate their systems with Google’s recently unveiled Jobs API platform. Google announced in May that it will be launching a job search engine in the U.S. that will leverage their existing technologies to offer ...


How animated GIFs have evolved into a messaging staple after 30 years

Monday, May 8, 2017 by

As short mobile messages come to dominate our daily communications - with friends, family and coworkers - many find it increasingly difficult to effectively get their point across. Typing everything out is annoying. Emojis no longer cut it. And the tone often gets lost. Tenor is creating a new visual language that solves this problem, empowering people to express their ...


Taking your mobile website SEO to the next level

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 by

Editors note: Guest submission by Tom HardyWhy does SEO have to be such a moving target? As frustrating as it is, the changing landscape of telling web crawlers all about your website for discovery is always changing. From 2015 until now, there have been well over 50 unofficial changes to the "rules" that search engines look for on your website.A good mobile friend...


FFTF to expose Senators who are voting to allow ISP's sell your information

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 by

Digital rights group Fight for the Future, known for organizing massive protests against SOPA and for net neutrality, has announced that - if the bill passes - they will unleash billboards with the names of every member of Congress who votes to gut the FCC’s Internet privacy rules that prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Comcast and Verizon from selling their...


Why MicroApps are an emerging development trend to watch in 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017 by

With SMEs(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) emerging every day, the apps world has seen a swift growth in the enterprise apps category. MicroApps help users restructure, streamline, and in turn manage a crucial business processes. MicroApps provide a highly focused, task-based functionality that let users access the app, interact and then close the app all with maximu...


1APP launches a new way to access apps

Monday, December 5, 2016 by

1APP has announced general availability of OneOS, the first cloud-based mobile operating system that enables instant access to native mobile apps without the need to download. By rendering an app as a simple weblink, apps can be instantly accessed, embedded, or shared inside any web-connected environment. Existing apps can be uploaded to the 1APP cloud in a pr...


Why search has become the backbone of mobile apps

Thursday, November 17, 2016 by

Elasticsearch is an open source distributed full text search engine built on top of Apache Lucene. We recently connected with Gaurav Gupta, VP of Products for Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch to chat about how search is being used to significantly boost both user adoption and improve the bottom line. He also shared with us what he believes are the thr...


Intel Security Enhances Unified Defense Architecture

Thursday, November 3, 2016 by

Intel Security has announced an enhanced unified defense architecture designed to empower organizations to more effectively protect a new digital economy of trust, time and money. No longer is our economy a physical one, but one of connected networks and systems where cybercriminals have put us on the defensive. This new second economy, has put us in a world where ...


5 app monetization strategies to remember in 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016 by

Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, deep learning and user interfaces, our mobile devices are more accessible and user-friendly than ever before. People are downloading more apps and spending more time in those apps. There are now over four million apps in the Apple and Google app stores – Apple received 75,000-80,000 app submissions per month in last few mon...


New Apple App Store Review Guidelines

Friday, September 2, 2016 by

Apple has announced that the Apple App Store Review Guidelines have been updated to include information on offering in-app digital subscriptions, SiriKit, and iMessage. iOS Developers planning on releasing apps for the upcoming releases of iOS 10, macOS Sierra, watchOS, and tvOS, should be sure to read these updated guidelines.Apple has also announced a couple of c...


Apple Pay Is So Much More Than Just a Payment Mechanism

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 by

Apple Pay was announced in the US in late 2014 and launched with quite a bit of fanfare in the UK in July 2015. Today, most of the big UK banks have committed to support Apple Pay, although not all were part of the scheme when it first launched. For those who don’t know, Apple Pay is a mobile payment system and digital wallet service designed to change the way cons...


ASO and Fear of the Unknown

Thursday, April 7, 2016 by

App stores are densely saturated and constantly growing. With over 1,000 new apps added every day to Apple’s App Store alone, getting their apps discovered is a leading issue faced by mobile app developers today. One of the most important methods of maximizing marketing efforts for an app is App Store Optimization (ASO). ASO is the process of optimizing an app's pl...


Hewlett Packard Enterprise Launches Machine Learning APIs and Services

Thursday, March 17, 2016 by

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has launched HPE Haven OnDemand, a cloud platform that provides advanced machine learning APIs and services that provide the ability to build data-rich mobile and enterprise applications.Delivered as a service on Microsoft Azure, HPE Haven OnDemand provides more than 60 APIs and services that deliver deep learning analytics on a wide ran...


Why Fast Loading Apps and Mobile Websites are Totally Different Beasts to Tame

Friday, March 11, 2016 by

It’s becoming somewhat passé to trumpet the gentle fading of the mobile web, as defined by browser-based activity, while simultaneously heralding the clear-cut triumph of apps as the dominant center of mobile user engagement. Certainly the facts bear it out: separate studies by comScore, Flurry Analytics and Forrester Research have found that mobile users spend bet...


5 Things for Developers to Know About iOS 9

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 by

With the release of iOS 9 just around the corner, it’s crucial that app developers be proactive about what the release means for security, understand what will now be possible in terms of app thinning, and make the most of other improvements that will enhance user experience and/or increase user engagement. Here’s what I think are the most important things about iO...


The Impact of iOS 9 on User Searches

Friday, August 7, 2015 by

I recently discussed the impact of iOS 9 on how users will find and consume information with Richard Forsythe, the co-founder and CTO of NoteStream, a mobile learning app that encourages personal growth and exploration through the presentation of enriching content in snackable form written by expert contributors on a wide range of topics. NoteStream was launched in...


Don't Settle When It Comes to Enterprise Search Platforms

Friday, July 24, 2015 by

No company should try to operate for very long without an enterprise search platform. With so many options out there, though, you could be confused about which one is worth a spot in your organization’s budget. Let’s look at two very common workarounds some have tried, and then we will talk about why you must go with a reputable developer when you make your final d...


Localizing Your App to Drive Store Rankings and Global Growth

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 by

When was the last time you downloaded an app written in Bengali? Or Japanese? If you’re a native English speaker, the answer is probably - and understandably - never. Though of course there are apps out there that are written in these languages and more, but not in English. And if English is your only language, this means that those apps are not available to you in any ...


Advice on App Indexing for Google Search Using Deep Linking

Wednesday, May 6, 2015 by

What a great term – Mobilegeddon. Google’s recent changes which now offer ranking friendliness for mobile optimized websites has caused much consternation within the web development community. Its been over a week now since Google reported the ranking system went live and news sites across the globe are full of the good, the bad and the ugly repercussions.What has seeme...


App Publishers Need to Consider Re engagement Marketing for Inactive Users

Monday, May 4, 2015 by

What is “App-Nesia’? If you’re an app publisher you probably are feeling the affects of App-Nesia right now as many of the users who downloaded your app have forgotten about it. There can be any number of causes, however these people originally downloaded your app for a reason, and you should consider retargeting them to re-engage them with your brand.Google and Ipsos r...


How Deep Linking in Your Android App Will Now Impact Your Website SEO

Thursday, March 12, 2015 by

The impact on your company in respect to how people use mobile devices is not limited simply whether you have an iOS or Android app. New changes implemented by Google can now impact how people find content on your website. These updates focus on how mobile friendly your website is and separately, if you have an Android app. A recent blog post the Google Webmasters ...