donald trump

donald trump news search results

Developer news items we found relating to donald trump

8 results

Blockchain social network offers Trump free lifetime membership

Monday, January 11, 2021 by

On Monday, the two founders of, a new global social network built on the Blockchain, will formally offer President Donald Trump a free, lifetime membership to the international platform.  Blockchain social network offers Trump free lifetime membership Their offer is in response to Twitter and a host of other platforms banning not only the ...


TikTok ban effects

Tuesday, August 25, 2020 by

As you'll know, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to effectively ban TikTok in the US by mid-September, causing waves of panic amongst the TikTok community. With top creators able to charge thousands for brand collaborations and sponsored posts, 777 broke down the numbers to present to you the biggest potential losers. The top 10 U.S creators wh...


Presidential Alerts and the future of mobile communication

Thursday, October 4, 2018 by

FEMA has sent their first emergency test message to all of the mobile devices throughout the United States. They reported every American who owns a smartphone - which is about 75% of the population, should have received the test alert. In total the message went out to a total of 225 million devices right around 1:18 PM CST reading "Presiden...


How the new US administration will effect Internet privacy

Thursday, February 2, 2017 by

NordVPN has observed a notable increase in inquiries immediately after the U.S. election and a stable growth of interest from Americans ever since.As the new U.S. President starts his four-year term, many wonder what will be the new policy on government surveillance of ordinary citizens. President Donald Trump, while being vague on his views concerning Internet privacy,...


How Trump will affect the technology industry

Friday, January 20, 2017 by

To many, it seemed like we’d never make it to 2017. After a bruising presidential campaign, perhaps the longest in electoral history. But here we are, our first true, post-election year in eight years. For me, these years are always fun, with soaring hopes dashed and ill tidings avoided. Moreover, it’s during these post-election years that we quietly return to the ...


Privacy will be the name of the game in 2017

Thursday, December 22, 2016 by

Editors note: 2017 predictions by Alan Duric, Co-Founder and CTO at Wire   2016 has seen a huge rise in machine learning and connected devices from Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant; to Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. The world has become truly connected but not without the growing pains that any emerging industry is bound to face.    In Dec...


Study: What Americans Hate Most on Their Mobile Device

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 by

There is new research into one of the most hated new annoyances of the Internet— and mobile and it’s not Donald Trump or the Kardashians. You know those huge ads that take over the entire screen of your computer or mobile devices? These third party resources are the lifeline for media struggling to stay in the black. A typical web request today can r...


The Secrets of Developers Using Messaging to Market Their App

Monday, November 10, 2014 by

Why are some app publishers more successful than others? We all have access to the same tools, we contend with the same competition – we all exist in the same ecosystem. For that matter, why is any business more successful than others in its industry? True, some businesses are better funded than others and that can definitely provide an advantage. But what sets mos...