biometric security

biometric security news search results

Developer news items we found relating to biometric security

12 results

Videoselfie authentication tool launches

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 by

Jumio announced the launch of Jumio Authentication, a new video-selfie authentication that uses biometrics for user authentication, that could be ideal for account logins and high-risk scenarios (e.g., logging in from a foreign IP address or authorizing high-risk transactions such as wire transfers and online purchases). Secure selfie authentication can also be use...


AimBrain joins the ForgeRock Trust Network with biometric solutions

Thursday, December 6, 2018 by

AimBrain announced its place on the ForgeRock Trust Network, which recently celebrated the traction made by the end of its first year. ForgeRock Trust Network is a global partner programme designed to provide organizations with access to a comprehensive range of authentication, risk and fraud management, identity proofing and identity enrichment solutions, all of which ...


Biometric authentication for messaging apps is now available

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 by

ID R&D has announced the release of biometric authentication technology for messaging. The new solution, SafeMessage, offers multi-layer continuous authentication across messaging platforms without any impact to the user experience. ID R&D will be demoing SafeMessage, as well as its other voice and behavioral biometric products, at FinovateFall. SafeMessage p...


IDVoice biometric security update has been released

Friday, June 22, 2018 by

ID R&D released the newest version of its most advanced voice biometric security solution, IDVoice. Additionally, ID R&D is announcing that both IDVoice and its behavioral biometric security solution, IDBehave, are now available on the Samsung SDS Digital Identify Platform. IDVoice is a mobile-optimized voice biometric solution that authenticates users by eva...


A developer's guide to catch the next big smartphone wave

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 by

The recent news from Gartner on the first ever global decline in smartphone sales was a question of when, not if, the sizzling market for smartphones would finally cool down. In fact, the 5.6 percent decline in end user sales during Q4 2017, compared to Q4 2016, is probably best understood as a healthy sign of a successfully mature market. It’s not unlike previous eras ...


Why your app should have OAuth 2.0

Tuesday, November 14, 2017 by

Consumer demand couldn’t be more clear - the more apps, the better. On average, consumers launch at least nine apps per day and more than 30 each month, and they tend to browse such apps for hours at a time. Users spend more than three hours a day on their smartphones, and nearly 90 percent of that time is devoted to apps. While much is made of app responsiven...


SlashNext launches AI internet threat protection system

Thursday, November 9, 2017 by

SlashNext announced the company’s broad market release of the SlashNext Internet Access Protection System to protect organizations from cross platform social engineering and phishing, malware, exploits and callback attacks. The system goes beyond first generation signature-based and second generation sandbox-based technologies and deploys artificial intelligence and cog...


Point and click app development with Metavine GO

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 by

A recent report by Gartner finds that “more than 80% of top global enterprises have significant business unit development underway, much of it unseen and unsanctioned by IT, but less than 20% have a collaborative citizen development strategy in place.” (Citizen Development is Fundamental to Digital Transformation, Oct 13, 2017, Driver, Wong, Baker). To help solve t...


The battle of biometric security coming in 2018

Friday, November 3, 2017 by

Fingerprint sensors first appeared in smart devices in 2007 and then gained momentum as a 4-digit PIN code replacement in 2013's Apple iPhone 5S. Hailed as the future of authentication by some, fingerprint's security weaknesses were quickly exposed by the children of sleepy dads, cats' paws and gummy bears. Still, the lure of convenience today and the promise of securit...


Biometric authentication for your apps from Appdome and BehavioSec

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 by

Appdome, a cloud service that automates mobile integration by fusing new services to mobile apps, is partnering up with biometric authentication technology company, BehavioSec. Appdome for BehavioSec now enables mobile developers and mobility professionals (such as mobile fraud, IT, or Security groups) to rapidly integrate advanced biometric and behavior based authentic...


Biometric Security Can Leave a Lasting Impression

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 by

Each year faster processors and new APIs offer developers more tools to use in the creation of their apps. While these advances offer opportunities, new capabilities also mean users expect the apps they use to perpetually improve update after update, and user experience is a chart topper on the list of elements they want improved.One easy way to create a better app expe...


Diamond Fortress Technologies Offers Developers ONYX HD3 Biometric Touchless Fingerprint SDK

Monday, May 19, 2014 by

We reported on May 6th that Diamond Fortress Technologies is now offering Android Developers ICE Unlock. This was inaccurate in that ICE Unlock is the company’s consumer facing biometric fingerprint authentication unlock application available for Android which can be downloaded in the Google Play Store. The SDK for developers is actually ONYX HD3, a touch...