Web3 developer ecosystem is accelerating globally
Friday, May 6, 2022 by Richard Harris
Rockaway Blockchain Fund (RBF), a European venture capital firm that invests in digital assets and infrastructure, has highlighted that Web3 developer activity is accelerating globally, with Europe set to become a major hub.
Speaking ahead of the Gateway to Cosmos Conference and Hackathon in Prague, the VC firm outlined how Europe’s presence as a leading tech h...
Women Who Tech announces top 10 startup finalists
Thursday, September 20, 2018 by Austin Harris
Women Who Tech has announced the 10 finalists for its Women Startup Challenge Europe. Hundreds of women-led startups from 35 countries competed to pitch to investors and tech leaders, including Mitchell Baker, Chairwoman and Co-Founder of Mozilla, Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor of Paris, Fatou Diagne, Partner and Cofounder at Bootstrap Europe, Julien Quintard, Managin...
Get your free developer package from Pusher and SendGrid
Monday, June 4, 2018 by Richard Harris
Pusher released the Pusher Developer Package. This pack is aimed at developers and will offer them free access to 13 key services they need for building great applications. Pusher is joined in this project by great service suppliers like Algolia, Auth0, ButterCMS, Chargebee, Cloudflare, Codeship, DataDog, DigitalOcean, Instabug, MongoDB, Mux.com, Nexmo, and SendGrid.The...
VC funding favors men despite proven female founders
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 by Richard Harris
New data reveals that venture capital (VC) investments remain heavily biased toward men - in 2017, companies with all-female founders closed 368 VC deals, compared to 5,588 deals for all-male teams and 1,046 for mixed-gender teams. Women-led startups also received a smaller share of VC dollars, landing just $1.9 billion (2.2%) of the $85 billion in VC investments last y...
Vantiv: An open ecosystem approach to integrated payments
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 by Richard Harris
It’s no secret, innovation within the payments industry is at an all-time high and there are no signs of slowing down. By providing developers with the tools to move the payments industry forward, Vantiv looks to be a driving force for growth in the years to come.We recently sat down with Moin Moinuddin, SVP of IP product at Vantiv, to discuss Vantiv’s open-...
Seven Keys to Obtaining Meaningful Patent Protection for Your Mobile App
Friday, September 16, 2016 by Mark Lezama
You’ve come up with a brilliant idea for a mobile app that will deliver disruptive technology. You’ve sketched out a rough storyboard of your user interface and user experience. You’ve outlined the algorithms and architecture you need to implement your idea and satisfied yourself that your app is technically feasible. You are ready to finalize you...
Famo.us for App Development: Going Beyond the Funding Hype
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 by Richard Harris
If we’ve seen one, we’ve seen a hundred news releases come across our email: “XYZ company has announced that it has received VC funding.” We always toss these, because really, do you care that some company (not yours) has received funding?So when Famo.us announced their recent $25 million in additional funding, you know where that announcement went. However, there has b...
Planning to Raise Capital The Strategy You Choose Today Will Change Your Company’s Future
Thursday, April 17, 2014 by BJ Lackland
Financing discussions for early stage software, technology and app companies typically focus on the sexiest and most elusive source offending - venture capital. But the truth is VC is not the only, nor the bestoption, for early stage businesses. There are emerging sources of capital that may make more sense for your business. At Lighter Capital we spen...