mobile development platform

mobile development platform news search results

Developer news items we found relating to mobile development platform

16 results

Learn FileMaker with help from new Custom App Academy

Thursday, August 10, 2017 by

FileMaker, Inc. has announced the launch of its Custom App Academy and FileMaker Developer Conference videos designed to help individuals learn to build custom apps using their Platform.The new Custom App Academy includes video tutorials with step-by-step guidance tailored to the learner’s level:- Fundamentals: Provides an overview of their Platform and the basic naviga...


Becoming a citizen developer

Thursday, April 6, 2017 by

Editors note: Guest submission by Oren Ariel, CTO and Cofounder, CaprizaThe latest numbers show that the Personal Computer market shrank another 6% in 2016, the third consecutive year of slowing sales. Smartphone sales continued to grow, and internet traffic from mobile devices actually exceeded traffic from PCs for the first time in October of 2016. Mobile is the new e...


How Realm's New React Native Database Helps Developers

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 by

We recently visited with the Tim Anglade, Realm's VP Product + Marketing & Partnerships to talk about the recent announcement at Facebook’s React.js Conference of its new mobile database built specifically for React Native. The new solution is a replacement for SQLite and Core Data which offers a fast database with live objects, change events and support for un...


Microsoft to Acquire the Xamarin Mobile App Development Platform

Thursday, February 25, 2016 by

Microsoft has entered into an agreement to acquire Xamarin and its mobile app development platform. The two companies have a history of working together as the companies collaborated in building Xamarin integration into Visual Studio, Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility SuiteIn conjunction with Visual Studio, Xamarin provides a mobile develop...


The Unsung Side Of Mobile Apps: Bootstrapping Development With Mobile Backend Services

Monday, December 7, 2015 by

There’s more to a successful mobile app than a slick UI and cross-platform availability. Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) makes developing compelling, full featured apps faster and easier.When building applications, every budding developer knows the temptation of fixating on the UI at the expense of algorithms, data structures and state management. After al...


Orasi Extends Expertise to Kony's CrossPlatform Enterprise Mobile Solutions

Monday, November 16, 2015 by

Orasi Software has partnered with Kony to expand its software, support, training and consulting services to provide a complete suite of services for the application lifecycle. With the partnership, Orasi will provide sales, implementation services, training, consulting and support for Kony’s mobile development solutions. The partnership is part of Orasi’s expansion...


Altova Updates Developer Tools for XML, SQL, and UML

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 by

Altova has released of Version 2016 of its MissionKit desktop developer tools and server software products including software for XML, SQL, and UML; workflow automation server products; and a cross-platform mobile development platform.This latest release of MissionKit introduces new functionality including a graphical JSON Schema editor, a MapForce Data Mapping Debugger...


moBack Releases New Enterprise Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 by

moBack has launched new enterprise Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) which offers a self-deployable MBaaS platform that helps developers build and deploy mobile and web apps. moBack is an enterprise-ready mobile backend platform that combines an array of services for development and deployment of applications over the infrastructure of choice at web-scale, while ...


Progress Releases Updates to Telerik App Development Platform

Friday, January 16, 2015 by

Progress has released the latest version of Telerik, its device and OS agnostic mobile development platform that combine UI tools and cloud services to build apps. This comes on the heels of the Progress’s announcement that it had finalized the purchase of Telerik AD in December 2014.The Telerik Platform offers tools and services that can be adopted individually or as a...


AppGyver Releases Supersonic, Bridging Native Grade UI and Data to HTML5 Hybrid Apps

Thursday, December 4, 2014 by

AppGyver just released Supersonic this week, defining a new way for developing  high-performance mobile app user interfaces. AppGyver offers users a platform for both the novice and seasoned mobile developer in executing HTML5 mobile apps which are indistinguishable from native applications. Supersonic is a next-generation mobile hybrid framework where develop...


Progress Debuts New Appserver for Developing and Deploying Applications

Friday, October 10, 2014 by

Progress has announced a new appserver for developing and deploying next generation applications, the Progress Pacific Application Server (PAS) for OpenEdge product. This technology brings core systems and applications together with a high-productivity runtime environment, enabling enterprise developers to bridge the gap between yesterday's mission-critical applications...


AppFirst Launches Enterprise Mobile Development Platform

Saturday, September 20, 2014 by

AppFirst has launched an enterprise version of its development platform with the option to run on-premise, in the cloud or in hybrid scenarios. The company also has announced a partnership with Accretive to offer a predictive analytics offering to help enterprises expose, anticipate and intervene in IT risks across organizational silos.AppFirst’s Application Operations ...


Intel’s Latest XDK HTML5 Mobile Development Platform Release Focuses on Cordova Plugins and Mobile Monetization

Tuesday, August 12, 2014 by

Intel has launched the latest release of its mobile development XDK, which provides a HTML5 and Javascript platform for mobile development. In this release, the company has focused on Cordova plugins and mobile monetization.The Intel XDK now offers full support of Cordova APIs and plugins on iOS, Android, and Windows 8. Developers can take advantage of the number of plu...


Best Platform For Mobile App Development

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 by

“…an exploration of the subject from one perspective intended as a vehicle for shedding light on the merits of any platform as it pertains to mobile development…” When it comes to computing platforms, few debates cause more bias-rage and consternation than the ubiquitous Mac vs. PC donnybrook. As an enterprise software engineer for business applications using Microsoft’...


Appurify Launches Public Beta of Mobile Test Automation Platform

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 by

Company announces product collaborations with Sencha and Adobe PhoneGap, releases free SDK for mobile developers to streamline test creation and debuggingSAN FRANCISCO—September 25, 2013—Appurify, the pioneer in mobile test automation on real devices, today announced the public beta of its platform for testing, run-time debugging and performance optimization of mobile a...


Qualcomm Tablet Giveaway

Monday, January 14, 2013 by

Qualcomm is giving away 3 SnapdragonT S4 Pro Mobile Development Platform Tablets: Snapdragon S4 Pro MDP/T (Tablet) is ready for development right out of the box, running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It won't require any software or drivers to be installed; users can...