google go

google go news search results

Developer news items we found relating to google go

14 results

AI relationship search terms the US queries the most

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 by

It’s been described as “Her” in real life. The Spike Jonze-directed science fiction film follows the lead character as he embarks on a relationship with an operating system. Now, 11 years after the film’s release, that very reality is here. AI relationship chatbots have swept into the world’s eye at great speed, offering as little as some o...


App developer's salary in 2021

Monday, March 1, 2021 by

Economic uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic brought forth new challenges, drastically altering the needs and expectations of businesses on the IT front. While a tumultuous year for many industries, proprietary data from Hired and Vettery, the largest AI-driven hiring marketplace, found that the tech industry is highly resilient, with continued demand and job growth ...


The benefits of single page applications as Adobe sees it

Thursday, January 10, 2019 by

Most people currently use a SPA every day without realizing it. Google Maps, Twitter, and Gmail are just a few examples of the abundance of SPAs in use today. While SPAs have been around for a while, technology advances have caused interest in them to soar over the past couple of years. Still, some misconceptions exist about the technology, many based on limitations in ...


DuckDuckGo vs. Google vs. Privacy

Friday, October 19, 2018 by

Online privacy is becoming harder to find - Facebook gathers users’ data to sell to third parties, Google tracks everyone’s searches, ISPs in many countries gather communication data, and governments are increasingly demanding backdoor access to encrypted devices. In the latest news, Google exposed the data of 500,000 Google+ users and didn’t...


The Kubernetes list of certified providers

Thursday, November 16, 2017 by

T​he Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced availability of the Kubernetes Software Conformance Certification program, which ensures certified products deliver consistency and portability, and that XX Certified Kubernetes Distributions and Platforms are now available.Over the last three years, Kubernetes has been adopted by a vibrant, diverse community o...


Should you buy or build a mobile app for your business

Friday, November 11, 2016 by

The question of whether a company should Buy or Build a mobile app for their business is often portrayed as a binary choice between picking an off-the-shelf app/solution, or building a custom solution from scratch, using an in-house developer team or contracted 3rd party.    The Build vs Buy landscape has many more options. Organizations looking to adopt a m...


LUA, NodeJS, Ruby, and Go get open source enterprise support from ActiveState

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 by

ActiveState​, the open source languages company, has announced the upcoming release of ActiveRuby, ActiveNode, ActiveGo, and ActiveLua. These new releases will include free community versions for the open source community, plus pre-compiled, tested, professional distributions for enterprise users. Enterprise users will also benefit from commercial support, indemnificati...


IBM: Humanizing Digital Conversations

Friday, October 7, 2016 by

In the Watson Cognitive services portfolio, there are services such as Personality Insights, Sentiment Analysis, Emotion Analysis, Tone Analyzer and Intent Detector (called Natural Language Classifier). These services enable the inference of one’s personality traits, sentiments, emotions, communication tones and the intents expressed by people in their writing respectiv...


New Launch Of Google Go 1.4

Tuesday, December 16, 2014 by

Google Go 1.4 just launched and it offers exclusive Android support. The latest version had just been released after the previous version 1.3 was unveiled six months ago. Go 1.4 delivers compatibility and gives its users the ability to run without change and compile.The Go programming language includes a host of features. Google Go 1.4 has new improvements in areas...


Aerospike's Impressive New Google Benchmark

Monday, December 8, 2014 by

Google recently featured Aerospike in its new benchmark on its blog announcing the Aerospike In-Memory NoSQL database is now available with Click-to-Deploy on Google Compute Engine. Sunil Sayyaparaju, Director of Product & Technology at Aerospike blogged on Google about the company seeing Ivan Santa Maria Filho, Performance Engineering ...


Google and Android Are Not the Same... and That’s a Good Thing

Monday, July 28, 2014 by

Android and Google may seem synonymous with each other, but they are actually quite different. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is an open-source software stack for any device, from smartphones to tablets to wearables, created by Google. Google Mobile Services (GMS), on the other hand, are different. GMS are a range of Google-branded services that Google want...


Google App Translation Service Moves Past Pilot Phase to General Availability

Monday, November 11, 2013 by

Google has announced that its App Translation Service, which was first previewed at this year’s Google I/O conference, has moved past the pilot stage into general availability for all developers. The service allows developers to purchase professional app translations through the Google Play Developer Console. To use the App Translation Service, developers will want to ...


Google Kills AdWhirl

Monday, July 1, 2013 by

Google will shut down its AdWhirl mobile advertising mediation platform at the end of September, according to a notice on the AdWhirl homepage. Google also confirmed the move in a letter sent to developer partners.The AdWhirl platform enables mobile applications to switch between competing ad networks on the fly, simplifying inventory management and fulfillment. Google ...


RUMOR: Google to open its own retail stores in 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013 by

Google (GOOG) could be coming to a neighborhood near you soon says a rumor published at 9to5Google. They have confirmed that Google is set to open a chain of retail stores in several major metropolitan areas across the United States (no word on actual locations yet).  The stores will reportedly be used to showcase and sell the company’s&nbs...