1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/ios
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/unity-analytics-services-in-beta-for-ios-and-android-game-developers/
1/24/2015 3:49:26 PM
Unity Analytics Services in Beta for iOS and Android Game Developers
Game Analytics,Playnomics,Game Performance Metrics,Monetization
App Developer Magazine
Unity Analytics Services in Beta for iOS and Android Game Developers


Unity Analytics Services in Beta for iOS and Android Game Developers

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Unity is releasing in beta its new game analytics services, Unity Analytics (formerly Playnomics). Unity Analytics gathers data from a Unity game and transfers that data to a cloud-based datastore. From there, Unity’s segmentation technology processes and analyzes the data which is then delivered to the Unity Analytics Dashboard.

The web-based dashboard allows developers to monitor simple game performance metrics and as they grow more familiar with the Unity Analytics’ tools. The open beta dashboard comes with explanations and tips built into the interface to help the process of familiarizing with workflows and tools.

Features of the platform:

- Data Explorer: Examine how specific audiences are performing. For example, compare how iOS users stack up against Android users, see which groups of users have the highest Day 1 retention and more.

- Metric Monitor: Gives a high level view of how many players a game has, how long they are playing, who’s staying and who is spending money. Track KPIs in an accessible format.

- Custom Data Collection: Gain insight into players by capturing monetization statistics, user demographics and custom event information. Find out if in-app purchase revenue is legitimate or fraudulent through receipt verification. Beak down players by specific segments such as age, gender and location.

- Funnel Analyzer: Track players with custom funnels to learn how players progress through a game and where they drop off.

- Segment Builder: Create custom dynamic segments based on user attributes and game behavior patterns. The platform provides over 20 predefined segments to help with segmentation.

- Custom Event Metrics: Target unique custom events, track them over time, and define and monitor associated event properties. 

The analytics service is free to Unity developers and currently supports iOS and Android apps with planned future support for additional platforms.

Read more: http://unity3d.com/unity/analytics/

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