1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/augmented-reality
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/thirdeye-has-a-new-developer-program/
6/10/2019 8:07:55 AM
ThirdEye has a new developer program
ThirdEye,Augmented Reality,Virtual Reality
App Developer Magazine
Augmented Reality

ThirdEye has a new developer program

Monday, June 10, 2019

Richard Harris Richard Harris

ThirdEye's new program could allow developers and software companies to generate more revenue.

ThirdEye Gen who creates augmented and mixed reality (MR) enterprise solutions,  and is the creator of the super-small MR glasses (called X2)  is now one of the first companies to offer a unique partnership opportunity for individual developers or large AR/VR software companies.

After recognizing the need for more financial accessibility and support amongst the developer community, ThirdEye created a new Software Partner Generate Program that will allow developers and software companies to generate additional revenue, lease the X2 MR Glasses to create new applications, and offer free support to answer any questions about the MR glasses.

The Software Generate Program includes:

Revenue Share Agreement – Software developers and companies have two options to generate additional revenue with ThirdEye’s X2 MR glasses (hardware).

Partner Success Program – ThirdEye’s in-house software team offers free developer support to answer any questions and enable developers to port, develop or run their application on the X2 glasses effectively.

Lease Program – ThirdEye offers a two-year lease program to spread out payments towards the overall cost in order to help disseminate AR/MR technology around the world and create an affordable and unique payment structure.

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