user engagement metrics
user engagement metrics news search results
Developer news items we found relating to user engagement metrics
4 results
Alternative Google Play app stores to consider
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 by Alex Makarevich
Android is open source, and because of that -app developers can build and deploy an APK file anywhere! There are obvious advantages to deploying into the known Android app stores such as Google Play, and Amazon - mostly in the potential number of impressions and installs your app can receive, because Google play comes as the default app store on most Android devices. Pl...
How to Measure the Success of Your Mobile App
Friday, November 21, 2014 by Stuart Parkerson
When answering the question of how to measure the success of your mobile app, as an app publisher you might say “its about how much money my app makes me.” There is no doubt that how much money you are making is crucial information, but to get a truly accurate measurement of your app’s success, you need to consider broadening the scope of your analysis.What Are Your Goa...
Amazon Releases Research on Success of Developers on the Amazon Appstore Platform
Monday, June 16, 2014 by Richard Harris
Amazon is trumpeting its success in convincing developers to utilize its platform with its latest announcement of an IDC study saying that developers are having positive results from the Kindle Fire platform. According to the IDC survey commissioned by Amazon, 65% of developers building apps and games for Kindle Fire are making at least as much money on t...
App Developers Should Consider Using a Soft Launch to Test App Market Readiness
Friday, May 23, 2014 by Richard Harris
We have to make a lot of assumptions in life, both in our business and personal lives. A lot of these assumptions are based on our experiences, however are you truly sure that your previous experience with app promotion and marketing is enough to successfully launch your app in a market that rapidly changes as quickly as mobile? And so you should consider conductin...