bug reports
bug reports news search results
Developer news items we found relating to bug reports
10 results
Ultra Engine AI features released in update
Friday, February 2, 2024 by Brittany Hainzinger
Ultra Engine 0.9.3 is here, with usability improvements, bug fixes, and new AI-powered features to make game development easier. You can get a discount now in the Ultra Engine store or on Steam all week. Ultra Engine bug fixes, new AI-powered features, and more released in 0.9.3 update Object creation has been overhauled with a more visual approa...

iOS developer changes in iOS 13 you missed
Friday, October 25, 2019 by Richard Harris
We recently caught up with George Deglin, CEO and Co-Founder at OneSignal who says the team at OneSignal has been tracking code changes in iOS 13 since June, and they identified several technical changes that Apple had not formally announced elsewhere. In Xcode 11 Apple changed the results of a function that many developers were using to get push tokens. More unann...

Feedback by BugReplay announced for Google Chrome
Wednesday, August 23, 2017 by Richard Harris
BugReplay has announced the availability of “Feedback by BugReplay,” a bug reporting tool that helps users quickly and accurately submit detailed bug reports about website problems to customer support teams. Downloadable as a Google Chrome extension, Feedback creates a synchronized screen recording of a website user’s actions, network traffic, JavaScript logs and other ...

How to Debug From Live Game Operation Data in Corona and Unity3D
Monday, March 30, 2015 by Richard Harris
Capturing live game operation data from players’ devices and a game developer’s own servers can provide a unique opportunity to solve problems including unexpected loads, use cases, or data inputs. Mike Turner, a partner in game development studio Charmed Matter Games, has created two tutorials that explain how to do so from the Unity3D and Corona game engines usin...

Lookback User Feedback System Is Now Available for Android and Mac Developers Too
Thursday, March 19, 2015 by Stuart Parkerson
Lookback, a company that offers feedback recording tools for apps, has announced the acquisition of Reissued Ltd, and its QuickCast platform which provides a screen recording app for OS X with more than 500,000 screencasts on its platform.The Lookback platform facilitates feedback for user testing enabling software companies to record user feedback, experiences and bug ...

How to Save the Enterprise App after the End of TestFlight
Sunday, February 22, 2015 by Ran Rachlin
When Apple officially shutters its TestFlight beta testing service on February 26, many development teams who have been working with TestFlight will be forced to switch their testing processes to the iTunes Connect Testing service or to search for other alternatives.As builds from old TestFlight versions will not be transferred automatically, developers will need to set...

AppGyver to Launch HTML5 Composer to Bootstrap Steroids Apps
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 by Stuart Parkerson
AppGyver will make available its new Composer platform on May 20 allowing developers to bootstrap Steroids HTML5 apps in under 15 minutes.Features of Composer Include:Build service validations and UI updates: The Build Service UI has been updated for increased usability. It also now does some basic validation for build configurations client-side, helping catch...

Hyro : A Real Time Desktop HTML5 Editor, View Your HTML While You Code It
Wednesday, September 25, 2013 by Richard Harris
Hyro is a a live, desktop, HTML5 text-editor that lets you code HTML5 websites in real-time on your desktop and see the results in real time. It's currently in version 0.0.3 but has loads of features you can use even today.Overall, the Hyro app is a lightweight development tool built by Jared Wright to make testing webpages faster and easier. It is not meant to be a ...

Developer Secrets Revealed
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 by Richard Harris
We borrowed a collection of gifs from a blog that depicted some hilarious truths about development we just had to share. See if you can spot yourself, I'm in at least every one. If these aren't funny to you, then you haven't been programming long enough..When I show the boss that I have finally fixed this bugWhen the project manager enters the officeWhen I'm d...

App developers I told you so to Apple about maps
Thursday, October 11, 2012 by Richard Harris
App developers raised concerns about the poor quality of Apple's Maps back as far back as June, it has been revealed. Several anonymous developers revealed to CNET that it was obvious early on that the Google Maps replacement was not up to scratch and weren't shy about informing Apple through several official channels. These developers,...
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