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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/opera-mediaworks-new-native-ad-exchange-launches/
1/13/2015 5:20:57 PM
Opera Mediaworks New Native Ad Exchange Launches
Opera,developers,premium mobile publishers,Native Ad Exchange,mobile,ZeptoLab
App Developer Magazine

Opera Mediaworks New Native Ad Exchange Launches

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Opera Mediaworks has launched a new native ad exchange for buying and selling mobile advertising. The exchange is a marketplace extension of its programmatic display and video offering, the Opera Mediaworks Ad Exchange (OMAX), which it launched in 2014. Utilizing Opera Mediaworks Studio, publishers can create personalized native experiences to both brand direct clients and agencies for mobile.


Opera Mediaworks provides the ability for publishers to yield inventories, taking these opportunities directly to buyers using a native ad template. Opera is promoting the new exchange as offering a workflow efficient environment that automates the often lengthy insertion order process as well as bringing greater audience insight to premium ad buys.


Over a dozen native demand sources are currently connected to the exchange to provide the ability to programmatically buy high performing ad units, Some of the sources include AppList, Appsfire, Facebook, HeyZap, NativeAd.com, Opera Response and TapSense.  On the publisher side, launch partners for the new exchange include Demand Media, WildTangent, Gogii Games and Pinsight Media.


Read more: http://www.operamediaworks.com

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