Google DoubleClick Team Publishes Mobile App Monetization Bootcamp Series
Monday, January 11, 2016
Richard Harris |
The Google DoubleClick team recently published a four part Mobile Bootcamp series to help provide app publishers create strategies for reaching, engaging, and monetizing app audiences.
Part 1 offers advice on how to grow an app audience. Presented by Cheney Tsai, a Mobile Solutions Consultant at Google, who recommends five steps to help developers connect with audiences including how to get people talking about an app and how to target desktop users using app indexing to redirect SEO based traffic to an app.
Part 2 is presented by Jason Rosenblum, Mobile Solutions Consultant at Google, who shares tips for effectively engaging users including how to optimize on-boarding experiences, insight into measuring user engagement and understanding how it connects to an app business, and the importance of reminding users of an app’s value.
Part 3 is presented by Dev Gogate, Mobile Solutions Consulting Manager at Google, who provides insight on how a focus on how app quality will improve engagement. Among the tips provided include understanding the importance of keeping app size as small as possible, the need to optimize device resources, and making sure apps work well across devices.
Part 4 is presented by Mark Wolly, Head of Mobile Publisher Solutions at Google, who offers advice on how to find a happy medium between effective monetization and good user experience. His suggestions include strategies such as creating ads that respect an app’s UX and choosing the best ad formats for an app’s content structure.
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