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11/1/2019 8:32:20 AM
Cost to develop mobile apps
SmartBrain.io,Mobile App,Developers
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App Developer Magazine
Cost to develop mobile apps


Cost to develop mobile apps

Friday, November 1, 2019

Richard Harris Richard Harris

In a study by SmartBrain.io from more than 400 deals between Eastern European contractors and international startups, the average cost of developing a mobile app in Europe is 23k versus 171k in the United States.

According to SmartBrain.io, the average cost to develop a mobile app in Eastern Europe is $23,000 versus $171,450 in the U.S.

SmartBrain.io analyzed data from more than 400 deals between Eastern European contractors and international startups and found out that developing a new app in Poland, Romania, Ukraine, or another Eastern European country requires, on average, 7.4 times less capital than doing the same in North America.

Different industry surveys in the U.S. quote costs ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 for an enterprise mobile app. According to a Clutch survey, the median price to create an app is $171,450. 

 • Technical documentation costs for a new mobile app in Eastern Europe are now around $2,000, according to SmartBrain.io, and require up to two weeks to complete. 

 • Developing an interface would take around three weeks and $3,000. 

 • The server side of an application costs starts from $5,000, taking four weeks. 

 • The costs and time frames of developing an iOS or Android version are similar and start from $5,000, taking four weeks.

 • QA (or a quality assurance) testing in Eastern Europe would take only one week and $500. 

 • Content manager services cost around $500, taking one week.

 • The prices for the project management services on average reach $2,000 for the duration of app development 

"These prices are applicable for senior developers," commented Vasily Voropaev, CEO and founder at SmartBrain.io. 

"The level of their professionalism is very high and can pretty much guarantee flawless results although the cost breakdown doesn't reflect other factors, such as different app features — push notifications, navigation, geolocation, and CIO salary."

According to Voropaev, hiring a professional CIO in Eastern Europe would cost a minimum of $100 per hour depending on their portfolio and experience.

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