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5/11/2017 1:45:35 PM
Social media intelligence platform releases premium offerings
Social Media Intelligence,Social Media Intelligence Platform,Social Listening Tool
App Developer Magazine
Social media intelligence platform releases premium offerings

Marketing & Promotion

Social media intelligence platform releases premium offerings

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Austin Harris Austin Harris

A social media intelligence and social listening tool, Synthesio, has released their Synthesio Plus premium version.

Synthesio, a social media intelligence and social listening tool, has announced Synthesio Plus. This new update, a premium offering, will allow their customers to gain stronger qualitative and quantitative insights out of their social data through utilizing interaction analytics in all aspects of the platform.

"Everything that we build for our platform is designed to give our customers the ability to utilize social listening to gain real insights from the vast amount of Social Data in a flexible and user-friendly way. This mindset is why we work closely with our customers to understand what they are looking for as we continue to set the standard for social media Intelligence and Social Listening, and in this case, the answer was 'interactions.' Our customers wanted to know more about how people were interacting with every mention that appeared on their dashboards," explained Thibault Hanin, Co-Founder and CTO of Synthesio. "Synthesio Plus not only features new dynamic widgets, deeper and more consolidated metrics, more robust influencer panel creation capabilities and so much more, but it also gives the power to our customers to be able to dig as deep as they can into their data and really take control it. With new capabilities like country-specific share-of-voice metrics, integrating mention interactions data into all aspects of your aocial listening analytics, etc., Synthesio Plus will be able to give our customers insights that they need and want, and it is designed to present it to them quicker than we've ever been able to in the past."

Synthesio Plus is designed to provide users with more impactful and insightful social data analysis for their social listening and social intelligence customers than ever before.

For example:

- Consolidating Metrics: Interactions analytics are included in the algorithms of almost every widget in Synthesio Plus, allowing users to gain a much deeper understanding of their metrics. Consolidating interaction data into existing metrics will build a bigger picture and add more qualitative and quantitative substance to all mentions.

- More Robust Influencer Panel Creation: Their premium version of Influencer Panel Creation capabilities are being fully upgraded.

- Identifying Top Content: While they have offered top performing content for a while, Synthesio Plus will expand on this through the interactions data. Specifically, the biggest change will be that users will be able to sort the top content by influence or date (as they could in the past), and now also sort by top performing content in each social network according to the interactions data.

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