viral app

viral app magazine search results

App Developer Magazine issues we found relating to viral app

Jan14 Issue: How To Build a Viral App - The Psychology Underpinning Viral Spread.

Over 12 featured articles and tons of new product news and information inside our first issue of 2014! From app icon trademarks to what you think you know about COPPA is all inside.

viral app news search results

Developer news items we found relating to viral app

7 results

Mobile games inapp advertising chat with Jun Group

Friday, October 13, 2017 by

People are spending an increasing amount of their mobile time in-app. In fact, comScore reports that in 2017, people will spend 87% of their mobile time using applications. A natural corollary to this statistic is the kind of apps that are most popular. Apple reports that the number one app category in the iTunes Store is gaming.A recent study conducted by video technol...


Akatsuki launches new office in LA

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 by

Japanese mobile gaming company Akatsuki Inc. has launched a far-reaching Los Angeles based entertainment production company to develop, finance and produce feature films and content across all platforms for the global marketplace.The self-financed company will initially focus on developing strategic partnerships between Hollywood and Japanese companies to acquire, devel...


What the iPhone X and iOS 11 mean to app developers

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 by

The excitement of Apple launch day always reminds me of the Willy Wonka “opening of the gates”, you know - where the public gets a peek inside Apple's secret factory for a brief moment. But this year the Apple event feels a bit different. Maybe it’s the recent leaks, maybe it’s because we all know Apple is facing a ceiling of innovation they have to punch through - and ...


Building a viral app platform

Monday, August 28, 2017 by

With the 1 year anniversary of Pokemon Go fresh in our minds, it's fair to wonder why more mobile games have not reached the same level of success. Many have made an initial splash but failed to maintain the momentum necessary to achieve viral status. One notable exception is Trivia Crack. Since it's release in 2013, the mobile gaming sensation has been downloaded more ...


5 App Tech Lessons We Can Learn From Pokemon Go

Thursday, August 18, 2016 by

Pokémon Go has taken the country by storm. Players roam the streets like zombies and even crash their car into trees, just… to… catch… that… one… little… Pidgey. While it’s easy to see this craze as just another fad -Macarena or Gangnam Style anyone? -Pokémon Go is yielding important lessons about technology. Here are 5 that I came up with.You can’t plan for viral Since...


Turning Viral Apps into Sustainable Businesses

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 by

You just built your first viral app. It's shooting up the app store rankings and it's racking up downloads. But what comes next?Bridging the gap from app-of-the-moment to a truly sustainable app and business requires insight and strategy. With many viral apps, usage peaks quickly, then fades, giving developers a small window to engage users.Based in Beijing, China, Mome...


The Tug of War Between Responsive and Native Design

Friday, September 19, 2014 by

Let me start by saying there will always be tension between native and responsive design. As long as native operating systems are pushing the bounds of what's possible on a specific device, there will be responsive apps trying to keep up with that functionality. However, deciding what's best for your business or project isn't so simple as picking the best technology.&nb...