twitter kit
twitter kit news search results
Developer news items we found relating to twitter kit
3 results
Twitter Releases New Digits and Twitter Kit Developer Updates
Friday, August 14, 2015 by Richard Harris
Twitter has recently released updates to Digits and Twitter Kit, both part of its Fabric set of developer tools. New updates to Digits now provide a way for app developers to enable users to sign up and log in using their phone number without setting up and remembering passwords. Users can update the phone number they use to authenticate their account, allowing Dig...
Twitter Developer Team Flocking to a City Near You, Announces Hatch App Startup Contest
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 by Richard Harris
The development team at Twitter is hitting the road on a worldwide tour they are calling “Flock” to promote its Fabric platform which was fist announced at its inaugural mobile developer conference held last October.Fabric consists of a packaging of Twitter’s SDKs in three different modular “Kits” for what Twitter calls “a modular, cross-platform mobile development suit...
Twitter Repackages its Mobile App SDK Offerings into New Fabric Platform
Friday, October 24, 2014 by Richard Harris
At its developer conference this week, Twitter announced that it is packaging its SDKs in three different modular “Kits” calling the complete offering “Fabric.” This new packaging offers what Twitter calls “a modular, cross-platform mobile development suite that helps you solve any one – or all – of these challenges and build the best apps with the least ...