connected car app

connected car app news search results

Developer news items we found relating to connected car app

4 results

Machine learning, crowdsourced data, and the birth of

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 by

The glue that holds machine learning and artificial intelligence together is data. Without the data to create complex learning algorithms from, and to create those life-like AI experiences - neither of them are worth a brass farthing. Charly Walther, the VP of product and growth at, joined Gengo from Uber, where he was a product manager in Uber’s Advan...


Creating connected car apps just got easier

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 by

When was the last time you sat down and wrote an app that would communicate with a car? I thought so - me either. The challenge with making automotive apps is knowing which vehicles you can target. With almost every auto manufacturer doing their own thing, and little documentation about how to make it all play nice with your code, it can be enough to make developers wav...


The Business Case for Developing Connected Car Apps

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 by

Smartphone, smart home, smart car: all buzzwords that indicate the Internet of Things is becoming a mainstream topic as people strive to simplify their lives and seamlessly connect to the information, places and people that matter to them most. The average American owns 1.35 sim-card enabled mobile devices. Yet, the car is lagging behind when it comes to being able...


Apple, Microsoft Drive Challenges for App Developers in the Connected Car Space

Friday, April 25, 2014 by

Apple’s announcement of CarPlay earlier this year, as well as Microsoft’s recent announcement of Windows in the Car, have put a spotlight on the connected car space. Among those watching the space the closest are app developers, who are now faced with the possibility of having an open app marketplace. Apps in the connected car have traditionally been...