battery drain

battery drain news search results

Developer news items we found relating to battery drain

7 results

5 app development tips to help you avoid disaster

Wednesday, November 28, 2018 by

Mobile app development: it’s easy and straightforward in the lab, but once your app is deployed to the wild, all bets are off. You need to deliver seamless, fast experiences for users on low-powered devices, in any number of network environments. When it comes to building mobile apps, uncontrollable user behavior can lead you down the path to death by 1000 pape...


A designer's guide to mobile AR and VR

Thursday, August 16, 2018 by

When most people think of 3D user experiences, their mind goes straight to headsets - Oculus Rift for VR, for example, and Hololens for AR. But for designers and developers, that mindset changed dramatically last summer when Google and Apple released their mobile AR platforms - ARCore and ARKit, respectively. Almost overnight, these platforms swung the center of gravity...


IBM and the Weather Company just introduced mesh network alerts

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 by

IBM and The Weather Company, an IBM Business, have introduced a new Mesh Network Alerts technology that provides a mobile method of communicating with underserved populations in developing countries to notify of potential severe weather events or disasters - even in areas with limited Internet connection, or cellular networks are disrupted due to an outage. Develop...


Beware: Zombie Apps Are on the Rise

Monday, August 22, 2016 by

Zombie apps appear to be a quite recent and infectious discovery. Once installed, they drain your phone of life. But what are they, and where do they come from? Zombie apps are the applications that, at first glance, appear harmless. Developers usually create zombie apps as an app that is rarely used – like a flashlight app – but the app’s software constantly ...


AWS Releases Updates to Lambda Platform for Scaling High Volume Production Applications

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 by

AWS Lambda is a zero-admin compute platform that removes the need for developers to configure, launch, or monitor Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances; and have to consider scale and fault tolerance. Developers can instead create a Lambda function (using JavaScript / Node.js), set the appropriate permissions, and connect the function to AWS resources.The platfor...


Mobile Enerlytics to Help Developers Identify Battery Draining Lines of Code Thanks To Purdue Researchers

Thursday, October 9, 2014 by

Y. Charlie Hu, CEO and co-founder of Mobile Enerlytics, says his company could extend the life of smartphone batteries by helping app developers identify code that drains batteries quickly. As smartphone users continue to download and interact with more apps every day, smartphone batteries are going to drain faster when users interact with the phone, including when they...


AQuA Releases New Performance Testing Criteria for iOS and Android

Wednesday, July 9, 2014 by

The App Quality Alliance (AQuA) has released its new Performance Testing Criteria for Android applications and Apple iOS apps. AQuA is a global association focused on helping the app development industry continually improve and promote mobile app quality, across all platforms.Performance Testing Criteria includes six tests which analyze the network performance...