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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/project-anarchy-by-havok-releases-free-3d-game-engine/
7/8/2013 3:23:17 PM
Project Anarchy By Havok Releases Free 3D Game Engine
Havok, iOS, Android, SDK, Cloth, Project Anarchy
https://news-cdn.moonbeam.co/project anarchy_30s6zt3b.png
App Developer Magazine
Mobile Tech

Project Anarchy By Havok Releases Free 3D Game Engine

Monday, July 8, 2013

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Havok, who is owned by Intel and is behind the gaming engine for Assassin's Creed and Halo 4, has gone live with its free Project Anarchy 3D game engine for iOS, Android and Tizen.
Project Anarchy is a end to end game engine and toolset for mobile. It integrates Havok's Vision Engine providing a C++ API and a suite of tools ranging from a WYSIWYG editor to lighting and audio tools.
It also utilizes Havok's Physics detection and physical simulation technology which has been used in over 400 launched titles. The Havok Animation Studio animation system includes the Havok Animation Tool for artists and designers and an optimized animation runtime. The Havok AI pathfinding solution provides high-speed navigation mesh generation as its pathfinding and steering provides solutions for character motions in a wide range of scenes.
Project Anarchy ships with a list of integrated third party game technology such as Fmod for the creation and playback of audio.
Havok offers an additional "Pro" package that include things like additional platforms and direct Havok support. The pro package also allows users to ship titles on other platforms from Windows Phone to Xbox360, to modify marketing obligations and to license further Havok technology such as Havok Cloth or Havok Destruction for their game.

Read more: http://www.projectanarchy.com/about

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