1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/marketing-&-promotion
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/how-to-utilize-marketing-automation-for-your-app/
5/19/2015 1:24:47 PM
How to Utilize Marketing Automation for Your App
App Marketing,Marketing Automation,Conversion Paths,Cross-Vertical
App Developer Magazine
How to Utilize Marketing Automation for Your App

Marketing & Promotion

How to Utilize Marketing Automation for Your App

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

App marketing automation is not automated marketing for your app. Instead, it is a process that helps you to scale your efforts providing the ability to run customized campaigns to your users.

The key to successful app marketing automation is to personalize your automation strategies to cater to different user segments – at scale - providing messages they’ll want to interact with and are relevant to them in real-time.

Automation works to improve your user marketing efforts because it links messages together to allow you to deliver connected and clear offers. It also allows you to nurture your users down key conversion paths (increasing revenue) and spares you the headache of manually creating hundreds of campaigns (saving time).

The process may seem daunting, however you will be amazed at the wealth of information you have at your fingertips to automate diverse campaigns drilling down to very specific internal user niches and actions. Creating a plan and getting started is the biggest hurdle.

Localytics is helping demystify the app marketing automation process by providing three complimenting resources that you can use to understand the process of marketing automation, learn rationales behind what works, and receive instruction on how to launch your own marketing automation campaigns. These three resources include: 

1) - A Mini-Guide to App Marketing Automation: This publication contains an overview and best practices for creating & running automated app marketing campaigns.

2) - 11 Use Cases for App Marketing Automation: This publication provides details for 11 different cross-vertical app marketing automation use cases for real world apps.

3) - App Marketing Automation RFP: This resource provides an RFP checklist for selecting an automation tool for your app marketing. You can use these tools to find a platform, start running campaigns, and adjust campaigns for success.

All three resources are available as a single free download on the Localytics website.

Read more: http://www.localytics.com/resources/ebooks/

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