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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/dockercon-2015-to-allow-developers,-devops-and-sysadmins-to-dive-deep-into-docker/
5/12/2015 2:08:15 PM
DockerCon 2015 to Allow Developers, DevOps and Sysadmins to Dive Deep Into Docker
Dockerhub,Micro Service Architecture,Developers,DevOps,Sysadmins,Hackathon
App Developer Magazine

DockerCon 2015 to Allow Developers, DevOps and Sysadmins to Dive Deep Into Docker

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Richard Harris Richard Harris

DockerCon 2015 is a two-day, multi-track conference organized by Docker featuring topics and content covering all aspects of Docker and the surrounding ecosystem. The cost of the event is $899US.

The event will be held at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco on June 22-23. A 24-hour hackathon will be hosted prior to the conference on June 20-21. After the conference on June a separate full day of Docker training will be held on June 24.

The conference will include two days divided between general sessions in the morning and four different tracks in the afternoon: Getting Started with Docker, Use Cases, Advanced Technical, and Culture. The event will also have hands-on Docker tutorials, partner tutorials and an Ask the Experts area.


Docker is also organizing a 24 hour hackathon the weekend before DockerCon. The prize for the winners is a ticket for DockerCon and a chance to present their project during the conference.
Teams of 1 to 3 hackers participants will hack on a project using Docker as the central piece with 24 hours to complete the project. At the end of the 24 hours teams will have 90 seconds to present their project.

Docker Training Day

The June 24 Docker training day will condense the typical Docker sponsored training course into one day and will be offered a special price of $750 per student. This course cost is normally $2,000 and takes place over two days. There is a limit to each class size to 20 students. 

Through instructor-led discussion and interactive, hands-on exercises, participants will understand the more advanced topics required to deploy Docker in production, with topics including:

- Logging
- Troubleshooting containers
- SecurityPrivate Repo's on Dockerhub
- Private Registry
- Machine/swarm
- Best practices
- Swarm/Orchestration
- How to structure an application/micro service architecture

Read more: http://www.dockercon.com/

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