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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/detecting-pii-and-sensitive-data-in-motion-becomes-a-reality/
3/19/2019 9:03:51 AM
Detecting PII and sensitive data in motion becomes a reality
Io-Tahoe,PII,Data Protect,Data Privacy,GDPR,CCPA
App Developer Magazine

Detecting PII and sensitive data in motion becomes a reality

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Smart Data Discovery and AI-Driven Data Catalog solution enables real-time, in-motion data governance; supports firms in complying with data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.

Io-Tahoe has released the latest version of its Smart Data Discovery platform, Smart Streaming Discovery - with the ability to perform real-time data discovery on a wide range of streaming data. The capability, believed to be the first of its kind, allows Io-Tahoe’s customers to discover PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and other sensitive data “in motion,” enabling continuous automated data governance and regulatory compliance. 

The announcement came out of the Gartner Data & Analytics 2019 Summit, where it will showcase its newly enhanced product at booth #805.

Leveraging Io-Tahoe’s advanced technology and machine learning algorithms, Smart Streaming Discovery will enable organizations to think and act in real-time. The timely analysis and extraction of insights from data streams are critical; and the need for solutions that can discover data “in motion”, as opposed to stored data “at rest,” is greater than ever.

How does Smart Data Discovery platform work?

From the point of data ingestion, Io-Tahoe will quickly and automatically detect PII and other streaming sensitive data in structured, semi-structured and some unstructured formats, across a variety of data sources – relational data stores, data warehouses, data lakes, and the cloud. The Io-Tahoe platform uses deep learning techniques to automatically tag the data as sensitive allowing SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) time to focus on remediation activities.

As companies deal with an increasing number of global privacy regulations, such as the GDPR and the upcoming California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the ability to discover PII and other sensitive data (e.g. financial transactions, social security numbers, etc.) in motion, will provide a proactive approach to risk management and increase their overall regulatory compliance.

“Organizations have increasing streaming data year on year from internal and external sources,” said  Oksana Sokolovsky, Io-Tahoe’s Chief Executive Officer. “The ability to proactively capture data from these sources, which may be continuously streamed into the data lake, for example, supports data loss prevention strategies with increased PII detection, reducing the potential risk or data exposure while providing greater control and visibility overall enterprise data.”

Supports data loss prevention with increased PII detection Oksana Sokolovsky

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