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8/6/2019 9:01:36 AM
Apple subsidiary FileMaker rebrands as Claris
Apps,Rebranding,Aquistion,Apple FileMaker,Claris
App Developer Magazine

Apple subsidiary FileMaker rebrands as Claris

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Apple subsidiary FileMaker is unveiling a new brand, “Claris” to lead the company forward on its mission to empower anyone to create custom apps to solve everyday problems.

Today at their 24th annual DevCon, FileMaker, Inc. unveiled the start of a new chapter in the company’s history as Claris International. In addition, the company announced its acquisition of Stamplay, a service that helps businesses of all sizes integrate data from third-party cloud services into their apps with easy-to-use connectors. The acquisition of Stamplay leads to a new cloud service offering for the community of more than 1M users. Claris has fully integrated this service and unveiled a new offering, Claris Connect. This service will provide customers with a simple and intuitive interface to unlock data across their apps, saving them from the task of custom-building, backend integrations. The Connect team will continue to be led by former Stamplay CEO, Giuliano Iacobelli.

“Claris stems from the Latin root ‘clarus,’ which means ‘clear, bright and shining. Nothing better encapsulates the company’s mission: to empower the problem-solver with smart solutions that work for their business. With the integration of Stamplay, our customers can unlock their data across hundreds of cloud services, bringing even more utility to their apps,” said Brad Freitag, Claris CEO.

Mr. Freitag was appointed FileMaker CEO in March after six years with the company in global sales. He has set an ambitious strategy to multiply the company’s customer base over the next three years. By extending the platform as a modern combination of custom apps and third-party cloud services, customers can now solve problems faster and build applications that have no limits on their capabilities. Claris began as an Apple product in 1984 and FileMaker was developed under the Claris name. FileMaker became an Apple Subsidiary in 1998 and has since grown to 50,000 customers and more than one million end-users, while consistently profitable for 80+ quarters. Claris Connect will be available by invitation this fall and available for wider distribution in 2020. 

About Claris, Inc.

Claris, Inc. is a Workplace Innovation Platform that offers a suite of services for teams of a few to a few hundred who are stuck in a work rut that neither appliance apps nor enterprise systems can help them escape. The company’s service offerings, Claris Connect, and FileMaker allow problem solvers to quickly solve a universe of unique problems – even as they change. FileMaker is available in 11 languages and there are more than one million users under active subscription. Claris, Inc., is an Apple subsidiary. 

Read more: https://www.filemaker.com

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