xbox one console

xbox one console news search results

Developer news items we found relating to xbox one console

2 results

Windows 10: A New Platform and a Tantalizing Opportunity for Developers to Create Holographic App Experiences

Thursday, January 22, 2015 by

Microsoft has unveiled Windows 10 and from an app development standpoint, the company continued to emphasize the opportunity the platform provides for creating apps across multiple devices. With the large numbers of PCs running Windows, that may ultimately be a winning proposition for the company.One very cool announcement is that developers have a chance to program new...


Americans Think iPhone 6 Will Not Be Available For Holiday Shopping

Thursday, December 4, 2014 by

Americans are in belief that hot gift items such as the iPhone 6 will not be available for this holiday shopping season. Among a recent survey conducted, 42% of Americans believe the iPhone 6 will be unavailable, 33% of Americans believe the iPhone 6 Plus (33%) will be unavailable as well as other results for devices such as the Xbox One Console (24%), Samsung Galaxy S5...