what is graph database

what is graph database news search results

Developer news items we found relating to what is graph database

3 results

ArangoDB add new features to their scalable multi-model graph database

Thursday, August 27, 2020 by

ArangoDB announced the GA release of ArangoDB 3.7. ArangoDB 3.7 introduces new graph and search features that improve the database's capability to work with highly-connected data at any scale -- furthering the company’s goal of providing the most flexible database on the market. Key features in ArangoDB 3.7 include improvements for distributed scale-out gra...


Neo4j the graph database

Tuesday, January 14, 2020 by

ADM: What is Neo4j? Hunger: Neo4j is an open-source, native graph database that provides an ACID-compliant transactional backend for your applications. Initial development began in 2003, but it has been publicly available since 2007. Neo4j is referred to as a native graph database because it efficiently implements the property graph model down to the storage level. T...


Neo4j 3.0 Native Graph Database Drivers Now Support Java, .NET, JavaScript and Python

Friday, April 29, 2016 by

Neo Technology has announced the availability of Neo4j 3.0, the latest release of the company’s native graph database that offers new scalability, language drivers and more. A new binary wire protocol, Bolt, is Neo4j 3.0’s new official language driver which is now available for Java, .NET, JavaScript and Python. The new Neo4j 3.0 release offers a step change in the...