ui experience

ui experience news search results

Developer news items we found relating to ui experience

6 results

Kubernetes as a Service lands from DigitalOcean

Monday, December 17, 2018 by

DigitalOcean announced that its managed Kubernetes service is now available with production-ready functionality and full customer support. Since launching its early access release in May of this year, 30,000 developers and teams have already signed up for access. Starting today, the service is available to all developers worldwide. With the May early access release, ...


Making the Move from GWT to AngularJS

Friday, June 26, 2015 by

If your framework’s not broken why you should fix it?Adopting an effective development framework takes time, resources and dedication from your team. So if you have a framework that is working, why would you want to change it?Because when you reevaluate your goals, you may find that even if all systems are working, you could be missing the bigger picture. This was our t...


Create Mobile Apps Using PHP With Zend Studio Now In Beta

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 by

The newest version of Zend Studio has been released in beta, extending the platform’s ability to support mobile app development for PHP developers by including support for Cordova, Ionic, AngularJS and by offering a fully customizable mobile application with source code. Zend Studio 12 also provides new debugging capabilities of its IDE by leveraging the new Z-Ray ...


Leadbolt Refreshes Dashboard To Make It Easier For You To Make Money

Monday, June 23, 2014 by

If you currently using Leadbolt and missed the announcement you might be in a bit of shock. They have just completely revamped their dashboard for developers from the ground ground up! The Next-gen platform streamlines the enhanced tools and features offered within the Leadbolt product set. By leveraging an extensive revamp of the developer-focused app monetiz...


Day two at AppsWorld North America 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013 by

Phew, day two is over, AppsWorld has come to a close and we are still excited about all we saw! It was truly our pleasure to meet everyone in person, talk with you about your services to developers, and attend break-outs to get some great developer related content. Here are the day two highlights: Intersog was at AppsWorld as a silver sponsor this year, and spoke wit...


Being an App Developer Contractor

Saturday, February 2, 2013 by

Developing apps for other people can be sticky business. Knowing how to navigate around certain legal areas, pricing, and publishing rules are just a few things you'll need to have ready before working with a potential client. We spoke with several app developers to get their experience in dealing with app development freelance, and we formed a short list of things you'...