real time pricing

real time pricing news search results

Developer news items we found relating to real time pricing

3 results

Header bidding is fake news according to app advertising expert

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 by

Some mobile ad / marketing companies have announced they now offer "header bidding" for their mobile advertisers and publishers. But Freddy Friedman, the CPO at Smaato, says it's fake news and header bidding doesn't really exist yet. He says what they are really offering is mediated auctions, not "real" header bidding. We recently spoke ...


Mobile gaming and header bidding

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 by

When ad mediation first began - as a direct solution to the problem of too many demand sources / SDKs – one of the promises it delivered for publishers was a way to manage how to allocate their ad inventory among various mobile ad networks. This was key because it gave them the ability to maximize yield by working with multiple ad networks, prioritizing network...


Predict the value of the user behind each new app install with RTP

Thursday, February 22, 2018 by

Winclap will be exhibiting its latest product, Real-Time Pricing (RTP), at the upcoming Mobile World Congress taking place in Barcelona, Spain on February 26 through March 1 at booth #8.1E60 in the App Planet Hall.RTP is a pricing tool introduced to the mobile ecosystem offering a new approach to the mobile user acquisition strategy. Unlike the fixed-rate CPI/CPA model,...