purchase images

purchase images news search results

Developer news items we found relating to purchase images

2 results

Twenty20 Releases Crowdsourced Commercial Image Catalog

Monday, March 2, 2015 by

Twenty20, which provides crowdsourced, real-world imagery, has announced that it’s launching out of beta to offer a mobile-oriented, crowdsourced approach to stock imagery, connecting businesses with legal user-generated content.Twenty20 has created an app where consumers can make money from their personal photos by uploading their images directly to the platform. Twent...


Should I try to design and illustrate my app myself

Thursday, January 24, 2013 by

As app developers we all suffer from "multi-hat syndrome". We wear the designer hat, the developer hat, the troubleshooting hat, and on and on.. With all things being equal it's no doubt that overall, design and illustration takes the bulk of time when developing apps.  Even if you are just developing utility apps that aren't graphically intense like games, it c...