mobile monetize

mobile monetize news search results

Developer news items we found relating to mobile monetize

2 results

New tool for app developers forecasts how much revenue you can earn

Monday, January 16, 2017 by

New tool from Pollen VC, forecasts how much a mobile app can make over it's lifetime.While app developers and marketers understand that Lifetime Value (LTV) - the total revenue generated by a user from the time they download the app until they abandon it - is the most important commercial metric , they often struggle because there is also no uniform way to cal...


Are Women the Key This and Other Insights for Game and App Developers from Playnomics Player Engagement Study

Thursday, December 26, 2013 by

Playnomics has released its Player Engagement Study Q3 2013 which captures and surfaces behavioral activity trends and attributes of dynamic player behaviors across over 300 million social, casual, and mobile player profiles. The study draws conclusions that game and app developers can use to better understand how players are behaving and spending at a granular level....