Developing Blockchain Dapps with Factom (FAT protocol)
Monday, August 19, 2019 by Richard Harris
The Factom blockchain is a decentralized publication protocol for building record systems that are immutable and independently verifiable. It enables secure storage of data without disclosing private information or requiring trusted intermediaries. Unlike other public blockchains, Factom uses a distributed ledger architecture that allows related entries to be linked chr...
Warnings for aircraft cybersecurity
Thursday, August 1, 2019 by Brittany Hainzinger
The Department of Homeland Security issued a security alert for small planes, warning that modern flight systems are vulnerable to hacking if someone manages to gain physical access to the aircraft. Engine readings, compass data, altitude and other readings “could all be manipulated to provide false measurements to the pilot,” according to the DHS alert.&nbs...
Presidential Alerts and the future of mobile communication
Thursday, October 4, 2018 by Richard Harris
FEMA has sent their first emergency test message to all of the mobile devices throughout the United States. They reported every American who owns a smartphone - which is about 75% of the population, should have received the test alert. In total the message went out to a total of 225 million devices right around 1:18 PM CST reading "Presiden...
Artificial Intelligence in the public and private sectors
Thursday, June 7, 2018 by Richard Harris
You're not the only one nervous about AI -in light of rapid AI growth and adoption, the U.S. Government recently held three Subcommittee Meetings designed to understand the implications posed by the widespread adoption of AI technology in the public and private sectors. So why is the US Government concerned about AI in society, and what role should it be considering...
Find bugs in your code before launch with new ReGrade platform
Thursday, May 24, 2018 by Christian Hargrave
Let's face it, most of us do not write flawless code, and according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 90 percent of security incidents result from exploits against defects in software (ouch). Curtail Security has announced the release of ReGrade. The platform helps give customers the ability to identify critical version differences in the development cycle an...
How Agile scrum development methodologies work in the Federal space
Thursday, January 26, 2017 by Richard Harris
Agile scrum development methodology has become a hot topic in recent news. More and more companies seem to be adopting this approach because they find that it saves the client time and money. Mobomo, a D.C. based tech company, works with many clients in the Federal space. They were able to give App Developer Magazine more insight into Agile Scrum Methodology and the imp...
IoT Tech Expo descending on Silicon Valley next week (October 2021st)
Friday, October 14, 2016 by Richard Harris
The IoT Tech Expo will be descending on Silicon Valley for 2 days (October 20-21st) of top-level content, discussion, case studies, live demos, workshops and plenty of networking opportunities. There will be 8 conference tracks, an exclusive Samsung Workshop, IoT hackathon and a vast exhibition including robotics, 3D pizza printers, drones, mind-reading tech and more! O...
How Governments Open Sourcing Code Helps Us Be More Secure
Friday, August 12, 2016 by Rami Sass
The idea of governments releasing their proprietary code isn’t some pipe dream, it’s slowly becoming a reality in many countries and starting a much needed public discussion in others. Governments around the world are beginning to understand that their software is funded by the public, and therefore belongs to the public and should be accessible for their use. Bulgaria ...
Department of Homeland Security Creates Mobile Application Playbook
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 by Richard Harris
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), has created The Mobile Application Playbook (MAP), a DHS sponsored reference guide to assist federal agencies with the planning, management, and execution of mobile application projects.The MAP publication provides a roadmap for creating mobile applications and is designed to ...
Report Details Cybersecurity Implications for the Energy Sector
Thursday, April 21, 2016 by Stuart Parkerson
ScottMadden has released a report highlighting the future implications on cybersecurity for the energy sector. The report outlines the significant changes to the energy grid taking place in certain parts of the US which will result in significant exchanging of confidential information - information that has traditionally remained within the control of utilities. In...
A Developer's Perspective on Mobile Security in the Age of BYOD
Thursday, March 31, 2016 by Joe Schulz
With the cost savings of BYOD continuing to lure organizations to adopt this approach, the number of companies allowing employee-owned devices is still on the rise, as well. In early 2015, Tech Pro Research announced that 74 percent of organizations either already allow or were planning to allow employees to bring their own devices to work. At the time of this writing, ...
New Report Highlights Wide Ranging Cybersecurity Challenges
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 by Richard Harris
Cybersecurity Ventures has released its Cybersecurity Market Report for Q3 2015 which provides an overview of software development and application security trends, statistics, best practices, and resources. Highlights of the report include:- “The SANS Institute 2015 State of Application Security Report” states that many information security engineers don’t understa...