google flutter

google flutter news search results

Developer news items we found relating to google flutter

4 results

Top coding languages and technologies report sets the pace for 2019

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 by

The top coding languages and programs studied by its millions of users in 2018 have been released by Pluralsight, the enterprise technology learning platform. 2019 promises to be another year where software dominates the tech and IT landscape, so knowing which languages and programs are coming out on top is useful to both companies trying to keep up with competition ...


The benefits of single page applications as Adobe sees it

Thursday, January 10, 2019 by

Most people currently use a SPA every day without realizing it. Google Maps, Twitter, and Gmail are just a few examples of the abundance of SPAs in use today. While SPAs have been around for a while, technology advances have caused interest in them to soar over the past couple of years. Still, some misconceptions exist about the technology, many based on limitations in ...


Guest Post: It's Not a Web App, It's An App You Install From the Web

Monday, January 7, 2019 by

We received an email… "I heard about Forecast, but I couldn’t find it in the App Store. How do I get it?" "You don’t get it from the App Store: just go to on your phone, and you’ll be given instructions on how to download it." "Wow, this is great! I didn’t know you could get apps outsid...


Google Flutter comes out of Beta to help speed up native development

Tuesday, December 18, 2018 by

For cross-platform mobile development, developers generally have to choose between either building the same app multiple times for multiple operating systems, or to accept a solution that trades native speed and accuracy for portability. Flutter provides a solution that gives developers the best of both worlds: hardware-accelerated graphics and UI, powered by native ARM...