app updating

app updating news search results

Developer news items we found relating to app updating

2 results

How App Stores Break Your Apps: Keeping Your App Updated Matters More Than You Think

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 by

One of the best ways to refresh your app in the market is to update it. I usually choose which apps need updating by scrolling through the inventory of apps I have published, comparing downloads (for popularity) and then picking the best one I think is worthy enough to crack open the project for. I then use the app a bit myself to think of ways I can improve it, or find...


Amazon AppStream SDK Streams Resource Intensive Apps and Games from the Cloud

Thursday, January 30, 2014 by

The Amazon AppStream SDK was created to help developers manage streaming an app from AWS to local devices. Currently in limited preview, CPC games has been using Amazon AppStream to improve the new-user experience for Eve Online science fiction game.Halldor Fannor, CTO of CCP Games, noted the use of AppStream could allow new users of Eve Online to st...