amazon customers
amazon customers news search results
Developer news items we found relating to amazon customers
5 results
Delivering personalized experiences without being creepy like Amazon
Thursday, May 23, 2019 by Richard Harris
Amazon has seeped its way into every inch of our lives, and it’s increasingly difficult to ignore Bezos’s touch as Amazon presence rapidly monopolizes books (Kindle, Audible and Goodreads), groceries (Whole Foods), clothes (Zappos), movies (IMDB), news (Washington Post), gadgets (Ring and Alexa), space travel (Blue Origin), medicine (PillPack) and more.
Amazon Releases New Cross Platform Plugins for Unity, Adobe Air, and More
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 by Richard Harris
Amazon has developed a number of plugins for cross platform tools to allow mobile developers utilizing the Amazon platform to access Amazon Services without the need to write boilerplate code to bridge cross platform code with native language Amazon APIs. Amazon has recently released several new plugins for Apache Cordova, Unity, Adobe Air, and Xamarin to allow dev...
Developers Have a Chance to Increase Amazon App Revenues with New Free Coin Promotion in France, Spain, and Italy
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 by Richard Harris
Last year, Amazon launched Amazon Coins in the US, UK, and Germany. And now, Amazon Coins are available to even more customers in Europe as they are expanding the program to France, Spain, and Italy. With all the free coins out there, developers who have apps that appeal to this user base could see an uptick in revenues.Kindle Fire owners in these countries will receive...
Amazon Introduces App Developer Case Studies Program
Saturday, March 1, 2014 by Stuart Parkerson
Amazon is launching a new blog series centered on developer case studies. The new page showcases how developers are utilizing Amazon services, from building and engaging users to promoting and monetizing apps. Amazon plan to make these case studies a regular series.Outlined here are a couple of sample case studiesIn-App Purchasing (IAP)My Singing Monsters: Bry...
Amazon App Store Visualized in a Pizza!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013 by Richard Harris
The Amazon Appstore continues to see tremendous growth and is now offering more than 100,000 apps as a result of a growth of 95 percent in app submissions. This momentum would not be possible without the many developers who build apps and games for folks using Kindle Fire and other Android devices. We admit the ecosystem is a bit complex, but really….it’s kind of like a...