Vent Up

Vent Up news search results

Developer news items we found relating to Vent Up

3 results

Big Nerd Ranch doubled their profits last year

Thursday, February 2, 2017 by

According the App Annie Forecast Report, the global mobile app store downloads will reach 288.4 billion in 2020, up from 149.3 billion in 2016. That's almost double the amount of downloads in just 4 years! Information like this makes wanna-be mobile developers jump out of their seats to ask one question, "How can I do THAT?"Although some do go on to do the traditional c...


FishVerify app can help fishermen instantly identify their catch

Thursday, December 22, 2016 by

When a fisherman feels a tug on the line, he never knows what he might reel in. Sometimes identifying a fish species can be difficult, and without that knowledge it is impossible to determine whether or not it is in season or within the size and catch limit. Now there's an iOS app, FishVerify, to help fishermen instantly identify their catch and learn local fishing regu...


VentUp's new app connects clients and personal trainers with GPS

Monday, December 12, 2016 by

Vent-Up announced their new app for Android and iOS operating systems that help connect ambitious trainers and active potential customers, along with serving other needs in the competitive healthcare sector.With its featured app, V-Training, coined the "Uber for personal trainers and fitness instructors," prospective fitness clients can choose the perfect trainer for th...