1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/ios
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/facebook-open-sources-tweaks-rapid-prototyping-tool-for-ios-app-development/
3/26/2014 8:54:45 AM
Facebook Open Sources Tweaks Rapid Prototyping Tool for iOS App Development
Prototype app, Facebook developer, iOS development, Tweak
App Developer Magazine
Facebook Open Sources Tweaks Rapid Prototyping Tool for iOS App Development


Facebook Open Sources Tweaks Rapid Prototyping Tool for iOS App Development

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Facebook has open sourced on Github its Tweaks rapid prototyping tool which provides an easy way to fine-tune an iOS app.

According to Facebook: 

The best way to improve an app is to use it every day. Even when ideas can be tested out in advance — for example, with Origami — it can still take some time with the app to see how it works in practice.

Occasionally, it's perfect the first try. Sometimes, the idea doesn't work at all. But often, it just needs a few minor adjustments. That last case is where Tweaks fits in. Tweaks makes those small adjustments easy: with no code changes and no computer, you can try out different options and decide which works best.

Some of the most useful parameters to adjust are animation timings, velocity thresholds, colors, and physics constants. At Facebook, we also use tweaks to temporarily disable new features during development. That way, the designers and engineers involved can enable it on just their devices, without getting in the way of others testing the app.

Tweaks was invaluable for building Paper. We hope it can be useful for your app too.

Read more: https://github.com/facebook/Tweaks/blob/master/REA...

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