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8/9/2019 8:56:59 AM
Exposing students to DOD science and technology
Science and Engineering,DOD Technology,Student Outreach
App Developer Magazine
Mobile Tech

Exposing students to DOD science and technology

Friday, August 9, 2019

Christian Hargrave Christian Hargrave

NAVFAC EXWC student interns displayed and discussed their engineering and scientific projects with NAVFAC EXWC scientists, engineers and staff members.

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center student interns displayed and discussed their engineering and scientific projects with NAVFAC EXWC scientists, engineers and staff members on Aug. 6, 2019.

As part of the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program and Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program, 21 students received an opportunity to participate in a ten-week paid summer research project at NAVFAC EXWC. During the research, interns gained real-world, hands-on experience and research skills while being exposed to DOD science and technology.

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math program manager Ms. Carina Morgan, M.T.A., C.V.A., arranged the event.

"The success of this event really captures the incredible results of our student interns' hard work," Morgan said. "You can see it in their faces; the pride, the satisfaction, and the joy of displaying their work to established scientist and engineers. I could not be prouder of them and this program. This was truly a triumph for all involved."

Starting four years ago, NAVFAC EXWC leadership established partnerships with local academia to facilitate opportunities for students interested in STEM careers to work at the warfare center. Each intern works on a team supervised by an experienced engineer or scientist mentor.

"These students are very bright,” said Emily Johnston, NAVFAC EXWC Mechanical Engineer. “Committing to a summer of work and taking on a real-world engineering challenge shows that they will succeed in their future careers."

Closing out the research, student interns presented nine projects ranging from additive manufacturing to expeditionary mooring. Comments from NAVFAC EXWC staff, engineers and scientists expressed an appreciation for the students’ work.

“In four years, we [NAVFAC EXWC] have come a long ways with this program,” said Mr. Kail Macias, EXWC Technical Director. “The complexity of the summer intern projects far exceeds that

from just a few years ago. These students are challenging us to challenge them. The result is amazing to watch.”

Moving forward, NAVFAC EXWC is carrying out efforts throughout Ventura County to improve STEM education across the community. According to Morgan, the warfare center is aiming to inspire, attract, employ, develop and retain the best young minds in the industry.

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