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8/9/2016 8:00:14 AM
Built.io Makes MBaaS Customizable With 3.0 Update
Built.io,MBaaS,Enterprise Development,Indexing
App Developer Magazine

Built.io Makes MBaaS Customizable With 3.0 Update

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Built.io Backend 3.0 is the latest update to Built.io’s award winning mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) product. With this announcement, Built.io Backend becomes the industry’s most flexible enterprise backend for application development, says Matthew Baier, COO.

Typical MBaaS requires the application developer to deploy a separate application server for their business logic and then proxy the API calls internally. To overcome this problem (and many more), Built.io Backend 3.0 ensures high level customization through its pluggable architecture. It allows the developer to integrate their business applications directly into the server codebase as a plugin. 

This plugin can either hook to an existing API call and extend existing application logic, or it can expose a separate API call altogether. To simplify the plugin development process, Built.io Backend 3.0 provides a software development kit (SDK) right out of the box empowering developers to seamlessly integrate complex business logic directly into the MBaaS’ codebase. 

Other Built.io Backend 3.0 highlights include:

  • Data Set Segmentation for Upgraded Security. Built.io Backend’s hosted, multi-tenant cloud instance already separates environments from each other to prevent unintended or unexpected application interactions. Built.io Backend now segments data further into entirely separate collections. Customers benefit both from additional data isolation but at the same time gain greater control over how the data in their applications is stored and accessed.

  • Database Indexing for Better Performance. Traditionally, multi-tenant MBaaS does not allow for custom indexing at the database layer, because the architecture is shared across applications. Built.io Backend 3.0 now offers support for indexing even for its hosted, multi-tenant environment. This allows DevOps teams to apply database optimizations on an app-by-app basis – customized for a particular workload – resulting in dramatic performance boosts.

  • Direct Database Access via SDK. Traditional MBaaS offerings abstract the database layer, limiting the control developers have over the environment. With Built.io Backend’s new MongoDB SDK, customers can directly access the underlying database, exposing previously hidden parameters for easy tweaking by developers and administrators.

  • Direct Object Data Access. Data stored in MBaaS is typically accessed via interaction through web forms, which are simple to use but overly restrictive. With Built.io Backend 3.0, data can now be accessed in its raw format, for unfettered, direct object manipulation by a developer. 
Built.io Backend is the first MBaaS to offer developers a choice: With this pluggable architecture, you can take any component and replace it with another, e.g. Urban Airship for notifications, or Mixpanel for analytics. Previously, it was either all DIY or 100% pre-built. Built.io Backend introduces the concept of a sliding scale of customization for app developers, who can now create their own best of breed stack with any combination of out-of-the-box and third party microservices. With this 3.0 update, Built.io delivers an enterprise-grade, scalable mobile platform that takes developers from idea to app in record time.


Read more: http://built.io

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