1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/analytics
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/2016-virtual-reality-analytics-web-summit-will-be-on-march-16/
2/22/2016 2:06:11 PM
2016 Virtual Reality Analytics Web Summit Will Be On March 16
VR Advertising,VR Analytics,AR Analytics
App Developer Magazine
2016 Virtual Reality Analytics Web Summit Will Be On March 16


2016 Virtual Reality Analytics Web Summit Will Be On March 16

Monday, February 22, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Greenlight VR will host the 2016 Virtual Reality Analytics Web Summit on March 16 providing education on the expanding generation of analytics solutions for the virtual reality industry. The event offers eight hours of presentations via WebEx.

Registration before February 24 is $119 and after that date is $299. Participants in the San Francisco area will also have the opportunity to attend a networking reception at the historic Mechanics’ Institute in downtown San Francisco on March 15.

The event offers the following sessions:

New Horizons in VR Intelligence and Analytics: The VR intelligence market is poised for dramatic growth over the next 3-5 years, as the scope of VR intelligence and analytics platforms expands rapidly. This session will highlight some of the most interesting trends in VR intelligence and analytics, including the synthesis of big data and virtual reality, situational intelligence for VR applications of The Internet of Things, and the use of virtual worlds to test and simulate virtual reality content and experiences.

Enhancing VR Game Experiences with Leading-Edge Intelligence: Understanding player behavior and flow in conventional video games is key, especially considering the nature of game dynamics - it’s even more essential in VR games. In this session, VR game developers discuss their robust use of diverse intelligence and analytics tools to uncover prime insights about user interaction in their games, and improve game navigation and user satisfaction.

Going Deep - Mining Experiential and Behavioral Data in VR: Fully mining user interaction in virtual reality experiences ultimately requires multidimensional insights into their behavior. This session will examine the special effectiveness of experiential and behavioral data in providing deeper, richer, and more expansive insights into user interaction in virtual reality. 

Expanding the Augmented Reality Analytics Frontier: Given the increasing convergence between virtual reality and augmented reality and rise of immersive analytics models, AR analytics has special implications for the VR market and immersive analytics in general.  This session will examine the growing  impact of  very diverse AR analytics techniques in such applications as entertainment,  brand marketing, training, and sports.

Special Demos of Virtual Reality Analytics Provider Showcase: The Virtual Reality Analytics Showcase will help you develop a "short list" of technology and service providers who can meet your particular needs. You'll receive exclusive access to some of the industry's leading technology and service providers in one setting.

Diving Into Sports Audiences - Harnessing Analytics for VR Sports Marketing: Virtual reality can be a powerful tool for deepening fan engagement with sports experiences, and affording dynamic new perspectives on sports events.  This session will focus on innovative strategies adopted by sports organizations to market their events and special offers, including premium seats,  via virtual reality and track response to those highly successful campaigns using leading-edge VR analytics.

Plumbing Audience Insights in New VR Retailing Environments: VR seems likely to play a major role in retailing and e-commerce. This session will focus on intelligence techniques embedded in VR retailing platforms that promise to offer a completely new and more revealing perspective on user interaction with brand and product experiences in physical retail environments and the home. It will explore the use of intelligence and analytics to gauge user interaction with retailing experiences accessed via smartphone VR systems.

Leveraging Integrated VR Advertising and Analytics Platforms: As advertising begins to play a role in enhancing virtual reality’s viability, greater attention is turning to studying user interaction with VR ads. This session will examine how blended advertising and analytics platforms offer a promising approach for tracking user behavior in VR. These platforms typically enable user interaction to be tracked using eye-gaze monitoring and incorporate “pre-roll” ads that are non-intrusive.

Read more: http://greenlightvr.com/events/2016-analytics-web-...

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