Wage inequality in the tech industry report emerges
Friday, March 29, 2019
Richard Harris |
Wage inequality in the tech industry has been a thing for as long as many can remember. A new report from Hired shows the state in 2019 and how some of the gaps are narrowing.
Hired released an in-depth data report looking at wage inequality in the tech industry. In advance of Equal Pay Day (4/2), the report looks at how race, age, industry, roles, LGBTQ+ status, and geographies all impact wage inequality. Hired also released a new micro-documentary that offers a powerful and all-too-relatable look at the gender wage gap. This is all a part of Hired’s #NothingLess campaign to empower women to stand their ground and ask for the salary they deserve.
The wage gap is finally narrowing: Our 2017 and 2018 reports found that on average, women were offered 4% less than men for the same job at the same company. But this year, we’re finally seeing slight progress: the wage gap narrowed to 3%.
- 60% of the time, men are offered higher salaries than women for the same role at the same company. This is an improvement from the past two years, when men were offered higher salaries 63% of the time.
Women are starting to ask for their worth: This year, we found women are asking for 4% less than men, a 2% improvement from 2018.
- The survey shows that a comparable percentage of women and men are negotiating their salary offers as well — 69% of women and 71% of men. Yet 7% more men than women reported successfully negotiating higher wages.
Black and Hispanic workers are paid the least
- Compared to white men, black women are paid $0.89 and Hispanic women are paid $0.91 for every $1.00. Black and Hispanic men aren’t doing much better, making 91 cents and 94 cents on the dollar respectively.
- White women and Asian women earn $0.97 for every dollar white and Asian men make.
- Asian men reached the same pay grade as white men, even beating them out by a few hundred dollars with the highest average salary at $138K.
Women are struggling to be taken seriously in the workforce:
- 72% of male survey respondents believe that a gender pay gap exists, along with an overwhelming 90% of female respondents
- When asked if they have felt discriminated against in the workplace in the last five years because of their gender, 65% of women said yes, compared to just 11% of men.
- When asked how they most felt discriminated against, women pointed to the inability to be taken seriously by company leadership (40%), followed closely by unfair pay (38%).
San Francisco has the smallest gap, Boston has work to do:
- On average, women in San Francisco are offered 6% less than men (the smallest gap in the geographies we analyzed). Boston has the highest gap at 9%.
Women in product management roles are making more off the bat:
- Women in product management roles with 0-2 years experience are actually making 5% more money than men in the same role.
- The wage gap is much larger for talent starting their careers in design and DevOps (7% and 12% respectively)
Sexual orientation impacts the wage gap
- LGBTQ+ women make an average 8% less than non-LGBTQ+ men.
- On average, LGBTQ+ women are being paid 2% less than non-LGBTQ+ women in the same role.
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