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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/splice-machine-opens-sources-its-hadoop-and-spark-powered-rdbms/
6/10/2016 10:02:19 AM
Splice Machine Opens Sources Its Hadoop and Spark Powered RDBMS
Splice Machine,RDBMS,Hadoop,Spark
App Developer Magazine
Open Source

Splice Machine Opens Sources Its Hadoop and Spark Powered RDBMS

Friday, June 10, 2016

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Splice Machine is open sourcing its relational database management system (RDBMS), a dual-engine RDBMS powered by Hadoop and Spark.
The platform leverages in-memory technology from Spark and scale-out capabilities from Hadoop to power new applications and can offload existing Oracle and Teradata databases. The Splice Machine RDBMS facilitates simultaneous analytical and operational workloads to enhance Big Data analysis.
Splice Machine is seeking outside contributors in database architecture and distributed systems to guide and support the transition, develop best practices, and help shape the features that best suit the open source community. Participants will get early access to Splice Machine source code and to computational resources to run Splice Machine.

Splice Machine’s platform currently offers:

- ANSI SQL-99 coverage, including full DDL and DML
- ACID transactions with Snapshot Isolation semantics
- In-place updates that scale from one row to millions with a single transaction
- Secondary indexing in both unique and non-unique forms
- Referential integrity, such as Primary and Foreign key constraints
- Join algorithms like broadcast, merge, batch nested loop and more
- Resource isolation enabled by a cost-based optimizer

Read more: http://www.splicemachine.com/

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