vc funding favors men despite proven female founders

vc funding favors men despite proven female founders news search results

Developer news items we found relating to vc funding favors men despite proven female founders

3 results

Women Who Tech announces top 10 startup finalists

Thursday, September 20, 2018 by

Women Who Tech has announced the 10 finalists for its Women Startup Challenge Europe. Hundreds of women-led startups from 35 countries competed to pitch to investors and tech leaders, including Mitchell Baker, Chairwoman and Co-Founder of Mozilla, Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor of Paris, Fatou Diagne, Partner and Cofounder at Bootstrap Europe, Julien Quintard, Managin...


Get your free developer package from Pusher and SendGrid

Monday, June 4, 2018 by

Pusher released the Pusher Developer Package. This pack is aimed at developers and will offer them free access to 13 key services they need for building great applications. Pusher is joined in this project by great service suppliers like Algolia, Auth0, ButterCMS, Chargebee, Cloudflare, Codeship, DataDog, DigitalOcean, Instabug, MongoDB,, Nexmo, and SendGrid.The...


VC funding favors men despite proven female founders

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 by

New data reveals that venture capital (VC) investments remain heavily biased toward men - in 2017, companies with all-female founders closed 368 VC deals, compared to 5,588 deals for all-male teams and 1,046 for mixed-gender teams. Women-led startups also received a smaller share of VC dollars, landing just $1.9 billion (2.2%) of the $85 billion in VC investments last y...