subscription based model

subscription based model news search results

Developer news items we found relating to subscription based model

5 results

iOS 12 subscription based app tips for success

Wednesday, August 29, 2018 by

Last year, Apple held a secret meeting with a select group of iOS app developers in New York to talk about changing the current app delivery model from one-time purchases to subscription-based. From Apple’s view, these one-time purchases typically are inexpensive ($1-2), yet grant end-users unlimited access to the app and support, which can prove to be costly from...


How Google is sharing a bigger piece of the subscription pie

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 by

In the past, some publishers expressed unease around the dynamics of their relationship with Google. Those publishers were concerned that in their partnership, Google’s dominant position meant that publishers were unfairly losing out on valuable ad revenue. But those attitudes might change soon: Google has announced new plans to launch a subscription partnership with pu...


Are app store subscription models right for your app

Friday, October 6, 2017 by

While advertising and in-app purchases are the methods of monetization app marketers are probably most familiar with, subscription-based models may be the most overlooked. But subscriptions offer publishers benefits like a predictable, long-term revenue stream, and higher average revenue per user (ARPU) versus ads or IAPs. Subscriptions can also be deeply engaging for u...


Why apps with subscription models are taking over

Monday, July 24, 2017 by

Anybody with a passing acquaintance with the app store, whether on iOS or Android, is fully aware of the vast quantities of apps crammed into every (digital) nook and crevice, with more being released each passing day. For Apple and Google, this competition is great - the more apps there are, the more money they make. But for app developers, more competition means that ...


Axway's Secure Email and File Sharing Solution Now Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Monday, July 11, 2016 by

Axway has announced that its secure email and file sharing solution, Axway MailGate Secure Collaboration (SC), is now available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace providing the ability to control cloud-based, hybrid, or on-premises email and file-sharing. The content management capability of Axway MailGate SC allows high-security access to critical data v...