
qualitia news search results

Developer news items we found relating to qualitia

3 results

Centralized or Siloed Considering two test automation approaches

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 by

Today, software testing is undergoing a major shift. More and more teams are moving from a manual process to a fully automated approach that requires a  more technical skill setNo two development environments are exactly alike and there is no cookie cutter approach to software delivery. But there are many standard approaches and methodologies to automated testing. ...


From installs to value: three trends in the age of app marketing

Thursday, October 20, 2016 by

Mobile apps are ubiquitous. We live in a world where there are over four million apps to choose from and where attention spans are shorter than ever before. As a result, it is becoming increasingly more important for marketers to understand the critical moments of engagement that are happening in the palms of users’ hands.Over the past decade, app developers banked on t...


Qualitia's test automation software now supports Selenium 3.0

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 by

Qualitia has unveiled the new 3.12 release of it's script-less test automation software. The highlight of the new release is the support for the latest version of Selenium, version 3.0.  With the new release, Selenium 3.0 has been launched as “a tool for user-focused automation of mobile and web apps”. They have completely dropped the RC support and has forced...