open source javascript library

open source javascript library news search results

Developer news items we found relating to open source javascript library

3 results

Ember talks about their JavaScript framework

Friday, March 30, 2018 by

The EmberConf, now in their 5th year, recently took place in Portland where all things Ember were talked about during the 3 day event. There was advanced Mirage training, Broccoli.js tutorials, chats about progressive web apps, and lots of talk about Ember.js - especially the new release of 3.0.Tom Dale, a senior staff engineer at LinkedIn, is one of the founders and cr...


Latest Version of WinJS 4.0 Released Out of Preview

Thursday, June 18, 2015 by

Preceding the upcoming release of Windows 10, Microsoft has released WinJS 4.0 out of preview. WinJS 4.0 supports the latest versions of browsers, including the new Microsoft Edge. WinJS is an open-source JavaScript library to use for building HTML, CSS, and JavaScript applications for the Windows Store with a consistent look and performance across all Windows devi...


OnSIP Allows Web App Developers to Add WebRTC

Thursday, May 15, 2014 by

OnSIP, a provider of business communications services, has announced the OnSIP Network, a Platform as a Service that allows developers to add WebRTC to their web apps. The OnSIP Network solves a similar problem for WebRTC over the Internet that phone numbers have for calling over Public Switched Telephone Network: How does one user find another user over the n...