no code development

no code development news search results

Developer news items we found relating to no code development

7 results

WaveMaker Autocode aims to end development team grunt work

Wednesday, December 27, 2023 by

WaveMaker has been named Major Contender by the global research firm Everest, in its Low-code Application Development Platforms PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023. This validates the strategic investment by WaveMaker in upgrading its technology platform to meet the needs of customers who want to leverage the latest web and mobile technologies along with AI to rapidly mode...


No code guide to app development

Friday, September 1, 2023 by

Remember when crafting an app felt like climbing Mt. Everest in flip-flops? Those days are behind us! No longer do you need years of coding lessons or deep pockets to hire a dev team. In this beginner's guide to building apps without writing code, we'll first explain what low-code and no-code platforms are. We'll introduce the platforms available to you, gui...


Making voice enabled apps for home or business

Monday, March 12, 2018 by

A voice-enabled application is a piece of software integrated with a service like Amazon Lex to add a conversational interface. This is typically a technology that we associate with consumers, thanks to voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Home. However, history tells us that consumers expect the enterprise to mirror their own personal use of technolog...


Developers should welcome lowcode tools

Thursday, November 9, 2017 by

Will the proliferation of low-code tools on the market end up driving app developers into obsolescence? Or should developers welcome these resources and the “citizen developers” who use them? One part of that answer is clear: Low-code tools won’t be putting developers out of a job; on the contrary, they have the potential to help developers do better work. But that requ...


Low code and no code app development benefits

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 by

No-code and low-code platforms serve development projects in a myriad of different ways. It’s all about assessing a business user's ability and the problem at hand to determine the best approach for the job.That's why we had a chat with John Carione, Product Marketing strategy at Quick Base to learn more about No-code and Low-Code application development.ADM: We've hear...


FileMaker not for dummies

Thursday, September 21, 2017 by

Organizations large and small are looking for cost-effective alternatives that will provide the agility and productivity they need on the path to digitization. Hence the growing popularity of low-code and no-code development platforms. As more vendors come to market with these platforms, it can be tempting to dismiss these as "dumbed down" or amateur app development. Th...


Lowcode app development considerations

Friday, September 8, 2017 by

Love them or hate them, low-code platforms have made some notable impacts in the enterprise mobile app software development industry. The simple ease of use and low costs of such platforms at the expense of some creative freedoms has proven to be a revolutionary practice.That's why we sat down and had a chat with the experts to learn more on how low-code fares in the pr...