mopria news search results
Developer news items we found relating to mopria
8 results
Tap to Print: Android App Challenge
Thursday, June 22, 2017 by Richard Harris
Add print to your app by July 12th for guaranteed prizes!Android developers, want a reward for boosting your app(s)? Mopria is awarding devs who give their app the useful function of mobile printing.The ability to print is a great tool for your app; it can increase your user retention, spike in-app purchases, and enhance your usability.Take part in the Tap to Print Chal...

Demand for mobile print solutions are on the rise
Thursday, May 11, 2017 by Christoph Schell
Understanding the opportunity for mobile printing in the workplace first requires rejecting the notion that the enterprise has abandoned much of its need for printing and paper records. Digital forms and workflows may be reducing the amount of paperwork, yet many organizations still rely on hard-copy contracts, government forms and reports to support business processes ...

Mopria provides Samsung Galaxy phone users the ability to easily print
Friday, November 11, 2016 by Richard Harris
The Mopria Alliance just announced that the Mopria Print Library will be a part of the Samsung Print Service. Mopria will provide Samsung Galaxy phone users the ability to easily and intuitively print content from their mobile devices to more than 88 million1 printers, regardless of printer brand. Mopria will power the Samsung Print Service to enable user...

20 percent of mobile app crashes are correlated with a network issue report finds
Monday, October 3, 2016 by Richard Harris
Apteligent just launched Custom Insights, a new feature that offers customer tools for mobile big data and data science. Apteligent used the feature internally to publish the first of many previously unknown findings in its latest industry report, “Network Crash Edition.” The report reveals interactions with cloud services cause a surprisingly high number of crashe...

InApp Print Capabilities: What it Means and Why It Matters
Friday, September 23, 2016 by Steve Kim
The realm of mobile development has come a long way, and it’s only getting better – just ask Gordon Moore.Moore, one of the founders of Intel Corporation, came up with an eponymous rule of thumb in 1965 called Moore’s Law. App developers are all familiar with this simple rule – if not by name, then by understanding; its basic tenet has driven the computer industry for 5...

Mopria Alliance Announces App Challenge for Android App Developers
Friday, July 29, 2016 by Stuart Parkerson
The Mopria Alliance is reaching out to Android app developers with a new app competition. Co-sponsored by BeMyApp, the Mopria PRINTanomics Android App Challenge offers an online challenge designed to recognize the most innovative Android apps with mobile printing capabilities. You can register or learn more about the contest at http://appsthatprint.bemyapp.comPRINT...

The Latest on the Android Print API for Enabling Print In Your Mobile App
Saturday, July 9, 2016 by Stuart Parkerson
We recently announced that we are working with the Mopria Alliance to conduct research into app publishers’ adoption and integration of print capabilities within Android apps. Included as part of the research is a short survey on developer interest and actual integration of print into apps (you can take the survey at the end of this article without leaving thi...

Your New App is Missing a Basic Function Printing
Monday, October 5, 2015 by Frank Fu
So you’ve made an app. It lets users collaborate on documents easier, book flights, buy concert tickets, or edit photos without having to boot up the laptop. It’s even got a few thousand positive reviews in the app store.We’ve come to rely on apps to provide value faster than ever before. So much so, that they are transforming industries. Developers understand this inti...
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