mobile translation

mobile translation news search results

Developer news items we found relating to mobile translation

2 results

Language translation app by Reverso hits 6.0

Monday, April 24, 2017 by

Reverso, a developer of translation tools and solutions, has unveiled Reverso Context 6.0 - the latest version of their mobile translation and language learning app with a number of improvements to help its five million users discover new words and phrases in context. Their platform specializes in tapping the power of Big Data and AI to help users better understand word...


You Wanna Get Personal Speak To Me! Localization of Audio in Apps

Monday, August 11, 2014 by

Human voices “get to us” like little else. Just ask the execs working at BMW in the 1990s, when the car company had to recall a line of BMWs because its male drivers were not willing to take directions from a female GPS voice.A trustworthy voice can immediately create a strong interpersonal connection - even with a machine, as anyone can attest who watched Joaquin Phoen...