mobile alerts

mobile alerts news search results

Developer news items we found relating to mobile alerts

2 results

Presidential Alerts and the future of mobile communication

Thursday, October 4, 2018 by

FEMA has sent their first emergency test message to all of the mobile devices throughout the United States. They reported every American who owns a smartphone - which is about 75% of the population, should have received the test alert. In total the message went out to a total of 225 million devices right around 1:18 PM CST reading "Presiden...


How to help push alerts not seem so pushy!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 by

Editors note: Guest submission from Sunil Thomas, CEO of CleverTap   Here’s a challenge for you - try to read this article through without attending to your buzzing, pinging, distracting smartphone.Once upon a time, mobile notifications were just for person-to-person text messages. Some time around the turn of the decade, brands realized that provoking cons...