mapr connector

mapr connector news search results

Developer news items we found relating to mapr connector

4 results

deepstreamHub launches realtime apps platform

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 by

The Berlin-based startup deepstreamHub officially launches its platform for developing real-time apps. The platform gives app developers access to all the necessary functions to build reliable and scalable apps with real-time functionality from the ground up. These features include - among others - collaboration, chat and messaging tools; VR, IoT and location tracking a...


Explaining the app development process to clients

Monday, February 20, 2017 by

Revenue from mobile apps is expected to reach $70 Billion in 2017. Yet, developing a successful mobile application is not an easy task. As a developer, you understand the mobile app development process, but may struggle to explain it to your clients. This misunderstanding creates challenges in the development process itself, and can even cause an unsuccessful deployment...


NoSQL provider Couchbase releases a new data platform

Friday, February 17, 2017 by

Couchbase, Inc. announced a new release of their data platform that powers web, mobile and IoT (Internet of Things) applications for digital businesses. The enhanced product suite now provides easier global application deployments, advanced security capabilities and greater development flexibility, and includes Server 4.6, Sync Gateway 1.4, Kafka Connector 3.0 and Spark...


MapR Connector for Teradata released

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 by

MapR Technologies, Inc., a Converged Data Platform, has announced availability of a new MapR Connector for Teradata, an analytics solutions company. This provides high speed, parallel connections from Teradata to the MapR Converged Data Platform, improving bulk data transfers, and enabling scalable agile analytics across the ecosystem. The new connector is also certifie...