malware author
malware author news search results
Developer news items we found relating to malware author
3 results
2021 Coding Week recap from industry experts
Monday, September 20, 2021 by Richard Harris
National Coding Week takes place during September 13 - September 19 and it is a great time to engage everyone into coding in a fun and easy way. According to an article from National Today, "92 percent of executives believe American workers are not as skilled as they need to be." National Coding Week is a perfect opportunity for improving your coding skills to...
The Netflix hack: A chat about securing your company
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 by Richard Harris
As the digital transformation progresses onwards, the unfortunate side effects are becoming blatantly obvious in the news. It seems like every other day that some new big box company, political party, or individual has their information compromised. But even though only the few biggest companies get the real media attention, hundreds of millions of hacking attempts are ...
iOS AdThief Malware Affects Some App Revenue
Thursday, August 21, 2014 by Stuart Parkerson
The Virus Bulletin has posted a new update on iOS/AdThief, a.k.a. Spad, which is a piece of malware that hijacks ad revenue in jailbroken devices and redirects them to the attacker.The Virus Bulletin reports that the malware was first noticed in March 2014. The Bulletin is now publishing a report by Axelle Apvrille which describes the malware in detail.The report shows ...